the sleepover

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(yall pls take a sec to appreciate the picture on this part bc i edited gareth with eyeliner and im literally like 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ LMAO like sir? do you need a dog? i can bark. woof woof 😘😘 ANYWAYS LMAO, also for the story everyone at the sleepover knows robin is a lesbian, and everyone knows eddie and mylo are dating 🤭 everyone at the sleepover is obv very supportive and accepts them. also slight sexual content, its not too bad i promise.)

y/n pov:

ahh todays the sleepover!! im so excited. i get ready and make myself a bagel. "cmon y/n lets go" steve says as he walks by. i follow him out to his car. "so i need to talk to you before your friends get to our house and im guessing they'll be over before im off work, so i need to talk to you now,"
"yeah what is it?"
"so um, i would prefer that you guys stay in the living room, as in i dont want you guys in my room, dads room, or your room. however, in the event that anything happens between you and gareth, or really any of the guys, um theres a box of condoms in my nightstand," he says.
"oh my god steve gross, im not having sex with anyone, especially since theres going to be like 10 people in the house. jesus christ,"
"yeah i know i know, but i just want you to be safe, you know shit happens"
"ok whatever bye" i say getting out of the car.
"see you at home" steve says as i shut the door. i walk into school and go to class early. gareth walks in a few minutes later and sits in his usual seat next to me.
"hey y/n," he says smiling at me.
"hey gareth" i sigh.
"whats wrong?" god hes so cute lord have mercy.
"well steve somehow knew you were in my room last night and instead of getting mad which i kinda would've preferred he went into this whole thing about 'being safe' and 'he'll put anyone who hurts me 6 feet under'" i explain.
"oh, um," he says, turning red, "sorry about that"
"its ok, i just don't understand why he thinks you and i are gonna have sex. like in the car this morning he told me where he keeps his condoms 'incase anything happens', like how weird is that?" i say.
"so weird" he smirks. then the bell rings and i get to try to focus on science after that conversation. yay.

time skip to lunch 😍😍

"so what time were you guys planning on coming over?" i ask, "just so i have a general idea"
"i was just gonna stop home and grab a bag then go to your house" gareth says.
"same" the rest of the table says.
"ok sounds good, also we're playing board games until steve and robin get there with movies"
"sounds good" eddie says. after that i just kinda zone out until the bell rings. i have math with gareth so i wait for him and we walk to class together.

time skip to the end of the day 🤭

i wait outside the school for gareth so we can walk home together. since he lives on the same street i know he's gonna be the first one to get there. he walks up to me and we start walking. "so y/n," gareth starts, "i have a kinda weird question," he says as he plays with his rings. oh boy.
"go for it," i say
"um, i dont know this is gonna sound stupid. are you and robin, like- y'know, dating?"
"no, i love her to death and shes like my best friend, but we're just friends. why do you ask?"
"i dont know i was just wondering, and i know shes like out to us and i just didnt know if you were, like, i dont know i feel stupid now"
"no its ok, honestly its nice that you asked" i smile. we continue walking in silence until we get to my house, "um ill see you in a little bit?"
"yeah, ill be like 10 minutes" he says as he continues walking to his house. i unlock the door and run upstairs to throw my bag in my room. i run back downstairs and start getting snacks out. i put some bowls on the kitchen island (yeah we have one of those just go with it) and put out chips, pretzels, popcorn, and i put some cookies on a plate. i hear the doorbell and assume its gareth so i run to open the door. i open it and, its that guy that almost broke gareths hand over spring break?
"um can i help you?"
"hi uh, my names jason. can i come in?"
"no you can't come in. why are you here?"
"because i wanted to ask you out. you're too pretty to hang out with those freaks, im just trying to help you. so what do you say?"
"um i'll pass," i say as i start to close the door.
"wait!" he says as he puts his foot in the door, so i cant close it, "just let me take you on a date, i'll treat you right, gorgeous" ew.
"i said no, now leave or i'll call the cops,"
"fine, but you're gonna regret saying no to me" he says, then turns around and walks back to his car. i shut the door and wait for my friends to get here. the doorbell rings again and i cautiously open the door, but this time it actually is gareth.
"oh my god you're here, come in quick" i say as i grab his arm and drag him into the house.
"umm.. am i missing something?"
"what? oh right uh sorry, jason was just here and he was being really weird and i thought you mightve been him again trying to get into the house"
"why the hell was jason here?"
"he was trying to ask me out, i dont know why he thought i would say yes when he nearly broke your hand though. what an idiot,"
"are you okay? did he do anything?"
"yeah im fine, just a little paranoid, anyways you want anything to eat or drink?" i ask, leading him to the kitchen, "we have dr. pepper, lemonade, mountain dew, coke, water" i say as i look through the fridge. i know hes gonna ask for dr. pepper but i still thought it would be nice to tell him what else we have.
"uh can i have a dr. pepper?" he asks.
"yeah sure," i say as i take one out and give it to him. the doorbell rings again and i go to open the door. gareth follows me just incase. dustin and mike are here, "hey kids, come on in" i say as i let them in.
"y/n we're literally 2 years younger than you" mike says, annoyed as usual.
"yeah whatever, theres snacks and drinks in the kitchen" i tell them. another like 5 minutes go by and the doorbell rings again, eddie and mylo. "hey guys" i say and let them in, "drinks and snacks in the kitchen, we're just waiting on jeff and james right?" as soon as i say that the doorbell rings, i open it and there they are, "well nevermind. hey guys" i say letting them in, "snacks and drinks in the kitchen" i walk into the living room and sit on the couch, waiting for everyone to come into the living room as well so we can start playing games. gareth sits next to me on the couch, and honestly hes like a little closer than necessary. i look down and try to hide how red my face is. eventually everyone else joins us and we play uno. we all sit in a circle on the floor around the coffee table, "okay so whos the youngest," i ask.
"dustin" mike says.
"okay, so we'll start with dustin and go to his right" gareth is sitting on my left and hes skipped me like 3 times. i finally get to put down a card and mylo reverses it, so gareth is going after me now. i smirk as i set down a +4, "green" i say. gareth glares at me and picks up 4 cards. eventually i have 2 cards, gareth has 12, eddie has 5, mylo has 1, but he keeps getting skipped, dustin has 8, mike has 15, jeff has 4, and james has 9. mylo obviously ends up winning, but we continue playing since theres so many of us. i come in second, eddie is third, jeff fourth, dustin fifth, james sixth, gareth seventh, and mike loses with like 5 cards left. (sorry guys im a mike hater 😓😓) i check my watch and its 5:48. "im gonna order some pizza real quick," i say, getting up and going to the kitchen. i order a large cheese and large pepperoni. i walk back into the living room and sit back down on the floor, "should be here in about 40 minutes" i say.

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