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So this chapter someone else wrote it cuz I didn't rlly know how to start it so this is definitely not me
U'll definitely be able to tell with the writing and how well and good it's written 😅

Dedicated to and written by OriginalLegacy2003 😅

You could feel the tension, the excruciating tension that surrounded the streets of Central City, our so called villain set flying into a wall as he crashes to the ground, he didn't have anything left, he had nothing left.

One of our heroes runs at him and lifts him up and he starts vibrating his hand over him, he wanted to kill our villain.

Our so called villain coughs as he tries to get free.

???: Bart, please. I di-didn't do this.

Bart's eyes fill with anger, this anger was unlike anything we've ever seen, why did he have so much anger? For what reason?

Bart: You did this! You've ruined everything, Grant.

Grant coughs as tears fall down his eyes, he for once in his life, thought that finally he had friends, a family, but it was all taken away, for a split second the happiness he hadn't felt in years was replaced with anger.

Grant: Bart, please.

Suddenly, we hear a "Whoosh" from behind him, as we see XS standing there, tears fall down her eyes as she steps forward, she didn't like what was happening to Bart.

XS: Bart, stop. This isn't his fault. It's not his fault. Please.

Bart scoffs as he holds Grant closer, Grant just allowed this, he didn't hate Bart, he didn't wanna hurt him even though he probably could hurt the teenager.

Bart: It is his fault! Everything that's happened is his fault!

XS steps closer as she takes off her mask, you could see the worry in her eyes, but you could also see how she feared Bart in this moment and that's what scared her.

Nora: Bart, I know what happened, okay? But it wasn't Grant's fault.

Bart turned around with Grant in his hand.

Bart: It is his fault. It's all his fault. I'm sorry, Nora.

Bart brings his hand closer as more tears fall down her eyes, she truly did love Grant, she felt it in her very soul, she knew it was wrong to love him but she couldn't help it, she fell in love with him, at a time when her life seemed to be going nowhere.

But now that's the question, isn't it? How did we get to this point? How did everything go so bad for our heroes and our villains? I guess we should go back, back to the beginning.

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