Chapter 16

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(Bokuto's POV)
I just picked up my girlfriend from her house. We are on our way to go get ic cream. "I'm so excited babe we haven't hanged out in so long" she says happily "yeah me too babe,what ice cream flavor are you getting?" I asked changing the subject "let me think" she says few seconds later she says "I will get cookie dough and vanilla" she says "that's a good choice" I said "yep" she says with a smile

We got ice cream then we got in the car to go to the park. We made it the park and we got out of the car and left to go walk around the park. "Babe can we to the swings?" She asked "yes of course baby" I said Then we started to hold hands walking to the swings. We got to the the swings and she sat in one then I sat on the other swing. We were swing for a few minutes and talking until she said.

"Baby is that Kuroo?" she asked looking across from us. I turned my head to see if it was him and it was,but who the fuck is that guy beside him? I asked myself "yes babe it's Kuroo,babe can you tell who is beside Kuroo?" I asked hoping she can tell who it is "No I can't tell,let's go say Hi to them I haven't seen Kuroo in years" she says and grabs my hand "babe maybe they are busy talking about something important" I said not wanting to go over there "It will be quick I promise you I just want to say hi and see how he is doing" she says and then gets up from the swings and came to me and grabs my hand and we went to go to Kuroo and that fucking guy beside him.

We walk for a couple minutes because it was pretty far from where we were. We were getting closer to Kuroo and that guy. I'm having like a strange feeling  seeing Kuroo with a another guy. We got there and they were talking until my girlfriend talked. "Heyyy Kuroo how have you been?" Asked my girlfriend Kuroo turned his head to look at my girlfriend who was talking and I saw his eyes they were red like if he has been crying. I wanted to hug him and hold him close,but I knew I couldn't. Then the other guy turned his head it was Terushima Yuji. That fucking bastard.

"Oh heyyy Yua I'm have been okay,how about you?" He says with a shake voice I could tell that he didn't want me here."Oh I have been good me and Bokuto just went to go get ice cream she says smiling to Kuroo."Oh that's cool" says Kuroo then Terushima said something that made my eyes widen.

"Hey babe are you ready to go?" He asked Kuroo looked at him and smilies "yes I am baby,It was glad to see you again Yua it has been a while" he says they both got up but then my girlfriend said something that I didn't want to happen "hey why don't we go on a double date" she says excited Kuroo and Terushima both looked at each other then Terushima answered "Yeah that will be fun right Love?" He asked Kuroo "yes it will be fun" he says blushing at Terushima because he called him love I felt like punching him right in the fucking throat.

"Yay okay is tomorrow okay for the double date we can go to a fancy restaurant if y'all would like"she says hoping they will say yes "yeah that's fine"says Kuroo "okay what time do y'all want to go?" She asked them "maybe around 8 what do you think baby?" Asked Terushima "yeah I think that is a good time,are you okay with the time?" Kuroo asked her "yes I am what do you think Babe?" she asked me "huh?, yeah 8 works" I said wanting Terushima to get as far as away from Kuroo as possible. Just seeming Terushima so close to Kuroo makes want to punch him in the face.

They left first, holding hands and kissing each other's cheek and flirting. It made me so fucking mad and jealous that they were so touchy. That should of been me and Kuroo doing all of that not him and Terushima. Wait what the fuck did I just think? Why did I just think that it should of been me and Kuroo,but not him and Terushima?

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