Chapter 1

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(𝙺𝚞𝚛𝚘𝚘'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅)

I had this crush for a long time and guess who it is...Yes the one the only Bokuto Koutarou my bro my best friend. I have always had this crush on him since the first time I saw him I fell in love, but I never said anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. The other thing is I feel that he likes Akaashi to be honest. I can no way compete against Akaashi he is so beautiful everyone has a crush on him like who wouldn't he is so perfect . Anyways today me and the team are going to the training camp even tho I don't want to because I just don't want to see Bokuto not going to lie I been a little bit distant with him. I just been like that because it really hurts me him hanging out with Akaashi laughing together, hugging each other, and other stuff, but that's okay.

( They are in the bus going to the training camp )

Hey Kuroo are you okay? Kenma asked a little concerned Yeah I'm fine said Kuroo Are you sure you seem a little bit off today concentering we are going to the training camp? Kenma said Yes I'm fine don't worry Kenma said Kuroo (Kenma didn't say anything else he didn't want to push Kuroo to say anything he doesn't want to)

( They arrived to the camp)

   Guys we are here! Yaku said yelling Everybody woke up from him yelling We are here! said Lev exited Everybody got off the bus expect Kuroo a little bit nervous to see Bokuto because he's been a little bit distant with him. Hey Hey Hey! Bokuto said happy to see Nekoma Hey were is Kurobro at? Bokuto said Oh he is still in the bus said Kenma Oh okay thank you said Bokuto going inside the bus. Hey Hey hey were you at bro? Bokuto said Crap Crap Crap I didn't know he was in here!!?? he said in his mind Oh Hey Bro said Kuroo Bro why are you still in here you would be outside waiting for me? said Bokuto Oh umm sorry bro kuroo said Are you okay bro your not acting like yourself ? asked Bokuto Yeah Yeah bro I'm fine No I'm not fine I keep having more feelings for you and I hate that he said in he's mind Okay then let's go inside said Bokuto exited Okay said Kuroo

( They got off the bus and went into the camp)

Bro I'm so happy you're here I have missed you so much bro said Bokuto Oh um me to bro said Kuroo not really wanting to be there Bro are you okay? Is something wrong normally you would be really happy seeing me ? Yes I'm fine don't worry about it Bokuto I will catch you later I'm going to put my stuff up said Kuroo Before Bokuto could respond Kuroo was gone. Did he just call me Bokuto he has not called me that since we first meet? Is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Bokuto-san! Bokuto-san! Bokuto-san! said Akaashi yelling AHHH Agaashi you scared me said Bokuto Are you okay you been staring at the floor for the past 5 minutes? said Akaashi Umm yes I'm fine... will actually I'm not fine said Bokuto Why is that? asked Akaashi I think Kuroo is mad at me or something said Bokuto Why do you say he is mad at you? asked Akaashi Will he called me Bokuto and he has not called me that since the first time we meet. Also he wasn't exited to see me like always. When I saw him he didn't hug me like always, he didn't even smile at me. said Bokuto really sad Will you should ask him if he is okay said Akaashi I did I asked him if he was okay and he said he was fine said Bokuto I don't know Bokuto-san just be patient he will tell you said Akaashi

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