Chapter 43

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Important Author's Note in the end... Enjoy~~~~!!!

Catalia's POV:

I skidded my car to a stop and took out my guns and ran inside the American Mafia Base where we could hear gun shots from inside.

My bodyguards along with some policemen were with me while Sergeant Aquino and 2 other men of his stayed back to wait for Uncle Nico, Dan, Vespine and Virago.

We immediately shot the men outside that had their guns pointed at us. I ran to two men as they shooted at me, dogging the bullets I kicked one immediately to the face as the other I grabbed their nape and banged their head to my knee so hard that both of them dropped down to the ground unconscious.

I looked up and saw that everyone of our enemies were down so we all immediately entered the building. Bullets welcomed us as we did so we took cover from the close by pillars.

We shot back at our enemies, some of them managed to shoot at our men but most of them had a bullet through their head before it could go on further. After we made sure that there were none left we ran up to the top floor where the Don usually stays at.

We took the stairs as the elevators doors were jammed shut and unworking, thankfully it was only 4 floors. As we ran upstairs we could hear gun shots from the 4th floor and shouting. We ran faster upstairs with our guns ready.

As the door opened a bodies fell from inside which causes us to point our guns at them. The two people were wrestling and one I recognized as Luce. He was being attacked by an enemy so I pulled the trigger of my gun and killed the man on top of him.

Luce looked at us while heaving heavily. I pushed the now dead body of the enemy off of him and lended my hand to help him up. He took it and stood up with my help.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me as he checked my whole body. "Are you OK? Are you hurt? Why did you come here? You were supposed to still be in the hospital." He said not allowing me to speak. I was about to answer when we heard a shout ring out.

"배신자! 우리는 당신을 믿었습니다, 이 나쁜 놈!" A somewhat familiar voice said from a distance. I understood what he was saying as I understood Korean.

I stepped out from the stairwell with my gun ready in case of an enemy. We ran to where the voices and gun shots were coming from... The Main Office.
As we ran there a battalion of enemies welcomed us. We tried fighting them but they managed to out number us. Two men attacked me and kicked my guns out of my hands.

They tackled me down to the ground as well as the others. I tried getting out of their grips only from them to bang my head against the concrete floor so hard and many times that I literally saw stars and my vision had black spots.

"LIA!!!" I heard someone shout as my body went limp. As I wasn't really moving anymore both men picked me up and held me by both my elbows and shoulders.

They stood me up only to half drag, half walk me to somewhere. I was so limp that I could barely walk. I was breathing heavily as I felt blodd trickling down from my forehead.

One of the men opened the main office door and spoke. "Sir we've got some visitors." He said and threw me against the floor. I barely managed to catch myself with my arms. My legs and arms were do numb that I couldn't stand up by myself.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU FUCKERS DO TO MY SISTER!" I heard a voice that sounded like Blake and something banging against the floor that sounded like a table.

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