Chapter Five- Being lonely sucks

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It's been a few days since that weird lunch with Karan and Fahad. For the most part the conversations were all between the two of them, about the two of them and for the two of them! I honestly needn't have even been there. 

Hmm is this how it's going to be if I went ahead and married Karan? Fahad as a package deal? Also what was their deal? I could have sworn Karan seemed almost jealous of that ownerwho gave Fahad his number. I know they're best friends and all but how close is too close?

Anyhoo! Not going to overthink things... today I had me a free day after forever.

Ma and Papa were picking up Siddy from school and taking him to their place for a sleep over. Having them live close by was a real blessing. Though I didn't send Siddy for lots of sleepover to be honest because frankly even after two years of loosing my Arjun, nights when I was alone still felt absolute shit. Just having Siddy with me in the house made me sleep better. Helped me not miss Arjun too much. His non stop yapping and nonsense tv shows blaring cut out all the extra chatter in my head. 

Unfortunately, lately all I've been thinking about was either Karan or stupid Kabir. 

Karan, because I knew somewhere Papa and Ma really wanted me to settle down with him. I know they felt a certain guilt that their son had passed away leaving me alone. Stupid I know but you can't help how someone feels when they loose a very important person in their life. And now they thought I was their responsibility and me getting married was the ultimate goal. 

Yup Ma and Papa were actually my in laws. They had practically adopted me when Arjun and I started dating. They were amazing to be honest. They were sweet and loving and luckily we always got along but I was really not liking this subtle pressure of getting married. 

See Arjun and I had been childhood sweethearts. We met in college when we were just 19 and fell head over heels in love almost immediately. We were one of those awful mushy 'they'll grow old together' couples that friends made fun of. Getting married was really just a very obvious next move in our relationship nothing either of us were confused about. But that meant I had been in a relationship for the last eleven years. Honestly even after he passed away two years ago I still felt like I was very much in a relationship. 

In the last few months, after my work had settled and Siddy had stopped asking about Arjun every other day I was finally feeling a sense of being able to move on. There was also this sense of being an individual which was something I had not felt for years. I was always a part of a couple. So the idea of getting back into a relationship especially an arranged one was making me think twice.

And then came Kabir, waltzing into my shop and life like it was made for him. Him with his incredible good looks, his dimpled smile and all that incessant flirting. Even when I met Arjun for the first time, I thought he was good looking, but this boy, gosh he made me feel feels I just wasn't ready to feel. I also still couldn't get over how easily he had agreed to the whole coming back a year later thing for Siddy's hair. He's this young carefree guy who should be going around town painting in red, dating cute girls not making plans with a four year old to grow his hair.

Sanah and he had come to collect their dollhouse the evening of my lunch with Karan and Fahad. It was a quick brief encounter and honestly I let Erica deal with the sale and kept to my workstation. I felt like he stared at me the entire time but I was very strict with where my eyes wandered that evening. 

So! Here I was sitting at my favourite little cafe near my shop at five in the evening. I was in absolutely no mood to work, Erica also had taken a half day since she had some assignments she had to submit at her college. We didn't have any pressing orders so we could both take some time off. 

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