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I checked and double checked. This was the third test I had taken since yesterday. Positive. There in its blaring red big plus sign clear as day. Positive. 


Shit Shit Shit. 

I came out of my bathroom after securely tucking away the test in a drawer in the bathroom along with the other two.

Erica or Karan? Erica or Karan? Who should I call? Well Erica was on her meditation slash pottery workshop at Dharmsala so best not to disturb her. Karan it was. 

Strangely we had got really close after our engagement broke off. We still shared a great love for dumb memes and in general I think we enjoyed the fact that we both were very level headed in our lives so when I wanted good sane advice I went straight to him!

I rang him up while chewing on my nails. 

"Hey! What's up Meera?" I heard him over the phone.

"Karan... can you talk?"

"Ya of course all good?" I could hear some rustling around and the sound of the tv which he reduced,  he was clearly at home. 

"Ummmm I just took the test and its positive"


"I'm pregnant Karan"

More silence. 

"Hello?!" I started to think if I had made a mistake calling him? But before I could even finish that thought I heard him squeal. Yes actually squeal!

"Oh my god Oh my God Meera that's amazing" 

Phew! I smiled despite the tears that were flowing down my cheeks. 

"Really? You don't think it's too soon? You don't think he'll freak out finally?"

"Oh shut up you silly girl. You can't still be worried about him freaking out. Its been almost two years now"

"One and a half" I said

"Ya ya fine one and a half. Big deal. That boy isn't going anywhere. Wait I'm switching to video" he said.

I accepted his video call request despite knowing I looked like hell. In my torn shorts, Kabir's some soft t-shirt and hair tied in a bun and of course my face streaked with tears! 

"Oh wow look at you. Why are you crying? They better be happy tears" 

"Oh gosh Karan I don't know. I just feel like, I mean just last week we were talking about taking a trip end of the year, he wanted to to take Siddy hiking in the mountains and all and now this.."

"What pregnant women can't hike?"

"Shut up. You know what I mean. I don't want like things to come in the way of his these fun adventurous plans."

"Excuse me having a baby is a bloody adventure of its own. Ask us. We've been loosing it these last three months with Ahaan. But neither Fahad nor I would swap this life for anything" 

I sighed. I agreed with what he was saying, I had felt that when Siddy was born. Despite being really young when we had him both Arjun and I were super excited to move onto the next chapter of our lives. But I still saw Kabir as this carefree kid, he had got a lot more serious at work, but he loved his outdoorsy things to do, we took a lot of short weekend vacations to nearby places on a whim. A baby is definitely going to put a spanner on those kind of plans right?

"I know what you're say Karan and I felt that with Siddy but you know Kabir..."

"Ya I do" he cut me off "And trust me that boy is going to go nuts when he hears the news"

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