Chapter 7

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I rolled over, for a brief second air rushed past me, then my body slammed into the timber flooring.
I groaned.
"Ow," I sat up, awake now and rubbed my side.
Quince wandered in and surveyed me on the floor.
"Tea?" He offered.
"Do you have any Chai Latte?" I inquired.
"As a matter of fact, yes," he turned and left back to the kitchen.
I rolled myself back into my blanket and crawled back onto the couch.
A moment later Quince wandered back in, two mugs in hand.
He passed me a warm steaming mug.
I inhaled the sweet, slightly spicy scent of my chai latte.
"Thanks," I sipped at it.
Quince sat in a chair near mine.
"How did you sleep?" Quince asked.
"Well, apart from the waking up part," I laughed.
"Yes, please don't say you chose to sleep on the floor?" Quince grinned.
I rolled my eyes and sipped my latte.
"Kai visited but you were asleep. He'll be here the moment I let him in on your conscious state," Quince laughed.
I smiled but felt a little self conscious. Kai had come and seen me while I was asleep. That was borderline creepy.
"Great," I muttered.
"None of your clothes are here yet, so I'll send a message to Alice," Quince informed me.
"Thank you," I was still wearing my dress from yesterday and it was not comfortable in the least.
"Do you have a shower?" I inquired.
"Just through there," Quince pointed down a hall.
I stretched out and made my way to his bathroom.
I shed the dress and let the hot water beat down on my bare skin.
I had only ever had a shower twice before, when Serra had decided I was to bloody and a bath wouldn't do me any good.
A knock on the door startled me.
I felt my heart pick up. I was wearing nothing, completely vulnerable. I pressed myself up against the cold tiled wall.
"Kit? I leaving a towel and some clothes here at the door," Quince called.
I heard his footsteps retreat and breathed again.
I was safe. Quince was a good man.
I leant against the wall in the shower for a moment longer before starting the hot water. The steamy water cascaded around me and a feeling of pure bliss filled me. I finished washing and hoped out.
I creaked open the door a slit and peered out. The hall was empty.
I slid my fingers out and pulled the towel and clothes out.
I put my undergarments back on and then a large black shirt that was more a dress that Quince had left me. He also had dug up some comfy pants that fit me almost perfectly. I briefly wondered how he had such pants, they were clearly females pants.
I wandered out, drying my hair.
Quince looked at me for a moment before laughing.
"I'm sorry.." Quince laughed.
"What?" I demanded. Did I look that bad?
"It's not that. I just..." Quinces voice trailed away in his laughter.
I folded my arms.
Eventually Quince controlled himself.
"It's clear you're not used to wearing make up. Alice must of put some on you and well," Quince pulled out a hand mirror.
I peered in, curious.
Black was smudged all under my eyes, I looked like a raccoon or a panda I noticed in horror.
"Oh my," I gasped, rubbing my fingers against the black smudges in vain.
Quince dragged me to a cluttered room. There was paintings and various things pinned up on the walls and a desk was covered in cosmetics. There was an open wardrobe of piles of clothes and an unmade bed.
I realised uncomfortably that I was in his bedroom.
Quince searched through the desk, opening a few little cupboards.
"Quince? Do you wear make up?" I frowned, noticing the little bottles of makeup strewn around his desk.
"Everyman is entitled to his own hobbies," Quince defended himself.
I raised an eyebrow but didn't push it any further.
Quince produced a bottle excitedly.
He then dragged me back out to the living room and sat me down on the couch.
He fetched a dark cloth and dripped a few drops from the bottle onto it.
Quince then wiped the cloth under my eyes. The cloth was soft however it wasn't the most pleasant.
After a moment Quince stopped and smiled satisfied.
"Couldn't have Kai seeing you like that," he teased.
Quince handed me the mirror. I was back to usual.
"Thank you," I exhaled. That would of been embarrassing.
"Mascara and eyeliner are the worst to get rid of. It pays to remember when you wear it," Quince grinned and put the bottle away.
"Ah Kai is here," Quince announced.
Sure enough a moment later Kai appeared.
He met my eyes for a moment, they shined darkly with something I couldn't quite place.
"Hey my Kitten," he grinned.
"Morning Kai," I tried to hide how glad I actually was to see him.
He threw a large black bag at me. I peered in and found clothes.
"Thanks," I thanked him.
"Well I could hardly allow you to wear..." Kai shrugged, motioning at what I was wearing.
"I'll give you two a moment," Quince disappeared down the stairs.
I felt my cheeks blush a little.
"I'm sorry for not letting you in on the plan. I really thought it wouldn't be necessary," Kai moved around the room.
"That's why you had such a carefully thought through plan?" I couldn't help myself. Kai promised nothing would happen to me. I was almost kicked off the planet. I couldn't leave, in that department, I was fairly human. He had come into my room one night, whisked me away and into this strange new world of strange people who aren't actually people and he couldn't even tell me his plans? I felt so lost to be honest. I wanted somewhere I knew was safe and solid. Everything around me felt so temporary and fragile.
"I wasn't about to take any risks," Kai calmly defended himself.
I felt the tears welling, no I refused to cry. I angrily willed them back from years of practise.
"Kit, I'm sorry. I'm going to fix this, you'll be back in no time. Until then your safe here," Kai promised, he stopped and knelt before me.
Him kneeling and me sitting we were practically the same height, which was strange considering he was usually a head taller.
"How do I know that? You told me that I could trust you, then you go behind my back. You told me I would be fine and could stay here, and then I nearly got kicked off earth! Now I'm expected to believe you?" My voice rose in anger.
"I'm sorry Kit. I really did think it would be okay. I thought I was right and I wasn't," Kai explained.
"Well you had no right to come into my life at all! I wasn't happy but at least I knew what was to be expected!" The tears were streaming down my cheeks now.
He sighed and I imagined how I must look to him. Like a spoilt little child, I should be grateful, instead here I sat, crying and refusing his apologies for helping me.
I lowered my eyes, irritated but also embarrassed.
Slowly I raised my eyes. His black curls fell into his dark beautiful eyes. His expression was unreadable. I longed to know, I longed to know how much of a drama queen he thought I was.
"I'm a little busy right now, I'll be back though, my Kitten. Hopefully, you can behave yourself for Quince until then?" Kai held my gaze. His eyes danced with amusement. Great. He must think I'm such a little child.
I didn't reply. I just held his eyes.
Kai stood and left.
I collapsed against the couch. Alone, I let the hot tears slid down my cheeks.
I curled up in a ball and pretended the world didn't exist.
Quince made me another latte but apart from that stayed his distance, respecting my want for privacy.

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