Chapter 14

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Hey guys, sorry I disappeared for a while but I'm back now! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and the next one will be out soon :)

"Kit, I was wondering when you'd come," Marcella greeted me from behind her desk.
I took a seat opposite her, I tried to hide how apprehensive I felt. What was Marcella about to tell me?
"Kai is a demon," Marcella informed me, her eyes regarded me and watched my reaction closely, I frowned. Lucas was a demon, and he wasn't acting all weird like Kai.
"He was the child of a Sydor and a pure demon, the strength he possesses is beyond that of any demon or Sydor individual. His whole life has been a balancing act, and now he's snapped. It was always going to happen," Marcella sighed, she looked worn.
I bit my lip thoughtfully. So it wasn't all my fault, but I was probably the reason he snapped. Why had me kissing him caused him to snap though?
"Kai still has some control, he goes through phases where he can control the demon and vise versa. Whilst he's like this we have hope, and that's the most important thing," Marcella explained.
"So there's a chance Kai will come back too normal?" I had to know.
Marcella thought for a moment before nodding tersely.
"Do you have any questions?" She inquired.
I did, I wanted to know more about why Kai was like that, if he'd ever gone through this kind of thing before, how likely was it he's come back? But looking at Marcella, and the lines of exhaustion around her eyes, they all fled my mind and I shook my head.
"Thank you for explaining," I smiled, feeling a little stunned. 
With that I stood, and left the office. I needed to think, clear my head.

Marcella watched her go, just as Kai had done so many times over the past few years. She still had hope, Kai wasn't gone yet.

I wandered through the dimly lit streets. The last rays of sunlight threw a grey blanket of light of the town.
I loved the slightly warm air that caressed my hair and face.
"Hey beautiful!" A masculine voice called out from across the street. I saw a group of drunken men all staring over at me. I felt fear rising in the back of my throat; memories of Henry filled my mind.
"Wanna come have a drink?" Another one coaxed me.
I ignored them and continued walking, trying to hurry past.
However, as a walked they started to cross the street, towards me.
My heart picked up and I tried desperately to keep calm.
Amidst my internal chaos, I had completely failed to notice them surround me.
I came to an abrupt stop, realising that I was trapped.
One guy stepped forward, pressing me into the brick wall of a large building.
I desperately looked around for anyone, someone, to come to my rescue, but no one was around.
"What's your name, beautiful?" He asked, one hand moved to brush my hair out of my face. He had dark black hair and pale skin, he certainly wasn't bad looking but right now I really didn't care about that.
I bit my lip and shook my head.
The rest of the men closed in.
"Come on darling," he leaned in close and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Leave me alone," I spat back, proud of myself for finding my words.
This filled me with a momentary confidence, which disappeared the moment he laughed and dropped his hands to my hips.
The other guys hands began to crawl across my skin.
I gasped as one groped me and as I did, the leader let go of one hip and shoved a tiny tablet into my open mouth.
I tried to spit it out, but he held my mouth shut and the men cheered.
Suddenly the world began to tilt and go blurry.
"Help..." I moaned as I lost the ability to stand.
"I'd be more than obliged, love," a guy whispered and I felt my dress being ripped open at the front, leaving me exposed for their delight. Yet my limbs felt like lead and I was simply unable of stopping them. I tried to scream and shout but my mind was hazy.
"You idiots chose the wrong girl to mess with," a masculine voice interrupted, full of venom and authority. It sounded vaguely familiar.
I felt the men's hands disappear and a moment later two arms scooped me up. I started to protest and kick, as much as I could, until I managed to make out my captors face. I froze.
"Kai?" I was only capable of a small whimper.
"Shh, you're safe now," he assured me.
I ignored my confusion and gave in to the pounding in my head, letting the darkness consume me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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