Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey guys!
So a very talented friend of mine has been reading my story and decided to draw Quince! She's an amazing artist!
Thanks everyone for reading my story so far! xxx

I groaned loudly as I landed flat on my back for the one hundredth time.
I glared up at Kai.
"Come on, get up," he ordered me.
"I'm hurt," my response was flat.
We'd been training like this day after day and I was starting to question Kai's strategy.
"Kitten, need I remind you why we're doing this?" Kai sighed, standing directly above me. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from retorting 'because you want to kick my ass on a regular basis?'
"I know, I know, because you don't trust Jeremy," I mocked his deep accented voice.
Kai just laughed down at me and my attempt to sound like him.
Before I could even register what was happening, Kai had slipped his arms under my knees and back and had scooped me up, bridal style.
I gasped at him in shock.
"Put me down!" I exclaimed indignantly, beating my hands down onto his solid chest.
"Close your eyes and only open them when I say," Kai ignored my protest.
I thought about arguing further but I knew it would do no good. So I squeezed my eyes closed and waited.
I felt Kai moving across the room and locked my arms around his neck.
"Okay," Kai informed me a moment later.
I opened my eyes and with a strangled squeak, closed them again. I gripped Kai's shirt in a death grip and leaned further into him, feeling his chuckle vibrate deep in his chest.
We were standing on one of the rafters in the ceiling, at least two metres above the ground.
"Kaiden Sydor you will take me back to the ground right now!" I growled quietly.
"Are you sure?" Kai asked, the amusement in his voice made me cringe. What mischief did he have up his sleeve?
"Yes," I nodded my head.
"As the lady wishes," he drawled, sounding almost bored, and threw me off the rafter.
I screamed.
Like really screamed.
I felt strong arms catch me and hold me securely.
My body was rigid and still. Keeping my eyes tightly shut, I tried to slow my rapid heart before I died a premature death from overuse, or a heart-attack.
"Really Kai, that was hardly necessary," James's voice scolded from across the room.
I blinked open my eyes to see James stride across the room and give me a warm smile.
Kai set me on my feet and I promptly fell to my butt, my legs were too weak to support my body weight.
"I'm sorry, Kai was being mean. You're safe," James knelt before me and assured me.
I breathed deeply and nodded before smiling back at him.
"Thanks," I laughed shakily and forced myself to stand.
James it appeared, had brought us some more targets to practise shooting with.
Kai muttered something to James before James strolled casually out of the room.
"Come on, it wasn't that bad. I didn't let you get hurt did I?" Kai teased me. I poked my tongue out at him.
Kai handed me a bow and arrow.
He led me to stand in front of one and explained how to draw back the bow and aim.
Kai took my arms and helped me hold the bow up, little tiny shivers went up and down my skin where he touched me and set my skin on fire. I grit my teeth together. Why did he do this to me? Why did I react this way, was the real question.
Together, we drew back the bow and fired it.
I watched the arrow sail through the air and land just left of the the bulls eye.
"Look how close it is!" I jumped up and down excitedly.
"Yes, very nice," Kai's dark eyes almost seemed proud.
I had a goofy grin plastered on my face as I threaded my next arrow.
I planted my feet apart and aimed. I exhaled, focussing on the bullseye and then let the arrow fly.
Without Kai's help my arrow was a little further off, but I wasn't deterred.
After a few more arrows, some which were close to the centre and other not so much... Kai decided to try teach me some more hand on hand combat.
We stood on the mats, facing each other and I felt adrenaline rush through my veins. Even if I was just play fighting with Kai, my body seemed to have a mind of its own.
Kai let me throw the first punch, which he easily anticipated and dodged.
He went for a jaw punch, which I only narrowly avoided.
I kicked up at him but he caught my foot and twisted it over, causing me to fall into my stomach. I let out a disgruntled 'oof' as my body slammed into the mat.
It felt satisfying to fight back. My whole life I'd had to just let the abuse come. Now I could finally stand up for myself and kick back, although Kai still best me every time, but that was beside the point. I guess that's part of the reason I was so willing to learn this self defence. No man would ever hurt me again. I would make sure of that. At least that's what I had thought at the start of these training sessions, now I was beginning to doubt I'd ever be an even match for a man.
Kai pressed me into the mat and I didn't have to see his face to know he was smirking with his victory.
I let him think he'd won for a second longer before kicking my leg out and feeling it connect with Kai's more tender area.
I let out a whoop of victory and went to hold him down, to signal I'd won.
As I pulled his arms out in front of him though, he twisted into his back and pulled me under him.
Now he sat, straddling me, with his ever infuriating smirk.
I groaned and kicked at him, but it did no good, he'd won. I eventually gave up and laid still. A moment passed where we just sat like that.
I tried to hide my blush at the proximity of our bodies.
Only, of course, Kai noticed.
"You look so cute when you blush Kitten," he drawled.
"Shut up," I muttered weakly, blushing furiously.
Kai stood and pulled me up with him.
"Make me," he whispered daringly into my ear and sent shivers down my spine.
My heart pounded in my chest. What was I thinking?! I knew better than this! Men cannot be trusted! Their evil and dangerous! I needed to get out of here!
As I looked up at Kai's beautiful face and fell into his eyes though, my will to leave dissipated and replaced with something else. Need.
I leant up and gazed at his soft full lips for a second, then back into his dark eyes. Then I stopped thinking and pressed my lips into his.
His lips were soft and sweet and crushed gently down onto my own. My fingers travelled up and twisted themselves up into his soft black curls.
He pushed me back a step until I was pressed against the wall and a soft sigh left my lips. That was all it took for him to pull back. His eyes were blacker than ever, and vacant of any emotion.
"I think you best leave," He muttered coldly.
We disentangled ourselves and I frowned at him, confused.
"What?" I demanded. What had I done? Was I that bad at kissing?
"What did I do?" I folded my arms against my chest. One minute he's kissing me the next he was ordering me to leave?
"Do you really think I could like you in that way?" Kai mocked me.
"You're nothing, but a weak little girl who's been the very source of all my problems lately," Kai informed me harshly.
I gasped at him. Where was this coming from?
"But you were being kind, you were teaching me to fight," I protested quietly. "You kissed me back..." I whispered.
"I was teaching you to fight so that I could leave you without feeling guilty. Why else?" Kai sneered.
"Go now, Kit," he growled. His use of my actual name hurt the most out of everything he had just said to me.
I spun around and stormed from the room. Cursing him as I went.
I should have known better! Never trust a man! His dark eyes had been emotionless and black, they haunted me now as I ran through the hallways.
I felt like the walls were closing in on me and the paintings seemed to follow my every move with their never-blinking eyes.
The air was hot and I was suffocating.
Eventually I reached the front entrance and burst out into the night sky.
I ran. I ran from Mystic, the place I thought was home. I ran from the people I thought were family. I ran from Kai, the boy I thought I could trust. I guess I was wrong.
I ran until I reached a park and huddled into a corner between a wall and a slide. Once I was safely hidden there, I let the hot tears stream down my cheeks and hiccuped with my sobs. I knew rejection hurt, but damn.

"Kaiden Sydor, what did you do?" James demanded. It wasn't often James got angry at him, even now James wasn't mad. Just on the verge of it.
Kai looked away, all to aware that James could see the demon in his eyes. Hell, the demon was rolling off him in thick oceanic waves! James didn't need to see his eyes to sense his demon.
"You know the rules Kai. Go get her before the Senate do," James ordered him.
Kai inhaled sharply then turned and left. He strode through the front doors and out into the night. Her scent was still fresh in the calm, autumn night air. He followed it until he found her. A small heap curled up in a cramped corner.
Kai pushed away his demon with all his strength and knelt in front of her.
Tears glistened in her eyes and stained we cheeks. Damn. What had he done?
"Kit, you need to come back home," he whispered softly, as if she were a wild animal, but she flinched away from his voice and he cringed. He'd really stuffed up this time.
Kai already hated himself, so why not add to that hate?
He called back his demon, then using its strength, sent Kit to sleep.
He scooped her up, she had definitely gained some much needed weight but she was still as light as a feather.
He carried her all the way back to Mystic and tucked her into her bed.
He pulled the blankets up around her and played with her soft golden hair, it had healed a lot and was now thick and beautiful.
"Be a good girl and keep hating me? Please Kitten," he murmured it so softly even he struggled to hear himself.
Then he slipped back out of her room and disappeared.

"You know the rules, Kai. She's our responsibility," Marcella pressed her fingers to her temples.
"Kai, you're demon has way to much control now. You should probably go," Lucas appeared directly in front of Kai.
"Or what?" Kai sneered.
"Kaiden, go," James narrowed his eyes and ordered his friend to leave.
Kai's shoulders slouched and he stormed out of the room.
"Marcella, no offence but Sydor here is no longer safe. He's losing control, fast. You have no idea what he's capable of," Lucas announced after a moment.
"Lucas please. Help him? I'm sure there's still hope for him yet," Marcella begged.
"Fine. I'll keep an eye on him and try to stop him from doing something he'll really regret. But I'm warning you now, the longer he lives, the stronger he gets," Lucas sighed and followed Kai out.
Marcella sank down into her chair.
"I'm sorry James. I know that this is particularly hard on you," Marcella fidgeted with her tortoiseshell glasses.
"He'll pull through, he's stronger than this," James assured her.
Marcella just smiled sadly at him.

"Sydor," Lucas appeared, blocking Kai's path.
"What do you want?" he muttered.
"Come on, we're both Demons. Let's not allow those Angels and Warlocks to boss us around, and I don't know about you but I can think of a few places downtown where certain girls can be forgotten in the blink of an eye," Lucas tempted.
Kai grinned despite himself.
"What are we waiting for then?" Kai raised an eyebrow and with that, the two demons left, out into the warm night.

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