Chapter 13

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"Miss Kit?" Nora shook me awake.
I made an unintelligent sound to acknowledge her.
"Miss Kit, you need to get ready," Nora reminded me.
I blinked open my eyes and frowned at the brunette girl. Ready for what? Then I remembered. Our girls day out!
I jumped out of bed, which caused Nora to fall into a fit of giggles.
I hurried into the bathroom and had the quickest bath I'd ever had.
Nora was gone, probably getting ready herself, when I returned to my room.
A ruby red, two-toned, dress was laid on my bed.
I slipped into it and admired my reflection in the mirror for a while.
The dress enhanced my newly found curves and floated loosely around my legs.
I braided my hair and slipped my feet into a pair of black shoes which had a slight heel.
With that I headed out and down towards Nora, Alice and Lucas.
"It's warming up, you probably won't need a coat today," Lucas's voice floated down the hall.
"But this coat is so cute!" Alice whined. I couldn't help but giggle slightly at her.
I found them all beside the door, Alice had a green coat in her hands, which matched her bright emerald green dress. I felt a slight envy toward her, she was simply flawless.
"Oh morning Kit! Are you ready to go?" Alice greeted me, pulling me into an embrace.
"Yes," I nodded, grinning with excitement, and right on cue, my stomach let out a low grumble. I blushed at the very unladylike sound.
The other three immediately burst into fits of laughter, and my humiliation seemed to only fuel their laughter.
"Don't worry, we'll get some food in town," Alice assured me, once she'd managed to control herself again.
I smiled appreciatively, still a little embarrassed.
We filed out of Mystic and into an awaiting carriage.
"Oh no, I forgot my coat," Alice gasped after a few minutes of silence.
Lucas laughed in victory.
"You'll be fine," he promised her.
"Where shall we go first?" I wondered curiously. I'd never been a huge fan of shopping well I'd only gone shopping two or three times... but Alice seemed to have a way of making even the most loathsome of things enjoyable.
"Well I was thinking we should go to the markets. That way we can get you some breakfast and make our way through the stalls, there's some lovely jewellery there and oh the fabric! The markets end right on the port so we could even have a picnic by the seaside!" Alice gushed excitably, her enthusiasm was contagious and soon we were all talking about what we wished to buy.
Nora had been quiet for majority of the trip so far, but she seemed to have found her voice now and was joining in on our excitement.
The carriage jostled to a stop and the door was pulled open.
Lucas offered his hand to all three of us, causing Nora to blush furiously, I mentally reminded myself to tease her about that later.
We all hurried to the nearest stall, rich and exotic smells filled my senses and overwhelmed me, in the good way.
A little while later, I had carefully wrapped fabric draped over one arm and a strange but delicious pastry in the other hand. I grinned as Lucas dragged Nora into a bright stall selling shoes. He was honestly enjoying this way too much.
Majority of the fabric I was carrying was because of Alice's stubbornness. She'd demanded I bought fabric here so that the seamstress she had could make me some new dresses and even a few more sets of training clothes.
I wandered into a jewellery tent and gasped over the glittering jewels. They were all so beautiful, but I was nearly at my budget.
I found myself studying a necklace separate from the others. It had a thin gold chain and a delicately carved gold heart pendant. The gold heart would have been about the size of my thumbnail and was fairly thick.
"Stunning," Lucas appeared behind me and leant over my shoulder for a better view, though honestly he was probably tall enough to look straight over me.
My heart fell when my eyes found the price.
"It is, isn't it?" I sighed with longing. Considering I had barely £18 left.
"Kit? Lucas?" Alice barged into the tent, Nora close behind.
"Are you looking at something? Or shall we go have that picnic by the port?" Alice inquired, trying to keep the impatience from seeping into her tone.
"Oh sure, let's go shall we?" I grinned and with one last longing glance towards the beautiful necklace, followed the others out of the tent.
We made our way down to the port and sat on a blanket with some fruit and bread.
The ships floated gently along the water and the sky was dotted with a few soft looking clouds.
My thoughts drifted to Kai. Where was he now? What was going on with him? Last night he'd looked different, the difference went deeper than his physical appearance though. There was something missing from his eyes. Why did he kiss me and then suddenly turn so cold? Was I that bad?
"Kit? Did you hear me?" Nora sounded amused as she waved her hands in front of my face.
"Pardon?" I focussed back on her grinning face.
Lucas laughed deeply at me and winked, not so discreetly. I felt the blood rush through my veins as I realised why. He'd heard my thoughts...
"Lucas!" I exclaimed.
He raised his hands in defence.
"It's not like I asked to know, you're practically shouting at me," Lucas defended himself.
"Kit, I asked if you were enjoying the day out?" Nora repeated herself, still grinning at me amusedly.
Alice had her lips pursed in thought as she tried to figure out what was going on between Lucas and I.
"Yes, it's been great," I beamed at her.
"I'm glad," She ate another piece of apple. She was finally starting to relax and be our friend, not our maid.
"I was thinking that when we get home we could go visit Sarah and get her to measure you up and let her work her magic on all that material?" Alice offered. Nora had fabric of her own and was naturally included in the offer.
I was starting to agree when I remembered that I was double booked as it was.
"I apologise Alice, but I've already agreed to train with James and I am also expected in Marcella's office," I quickly explained.
"I must also get back to work when we return," Nora explained. Alice pouted for a moment.
"I guess we'll have go another time then," She shrugged.
"Tomorrow morning?" I offered. Nora and Elizabeth both agreed enthusiastically.
"I hate to be the dampener on this lovely afternoon, however we must be returning to Mystic," Lucas informed us.
We all sighed in unison which then caused us all to burst out laughing.
"Come on, honestly the three of you are all idiots," Lucas shook his head as we all continued to laugh with tears streaming down our faces.
Eventually we made our way back to the carriage. The ride home was quiet, we were all rather tired.
I stretched out and placed my head down on Nora's lap and immediately fell asleep.
"Kit? Kit wake up," Nora shook me awake.
I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
We all climbed out of the carriage and made our way inside. Lucas thanked us for a fun day and disappeared. I vaguely wondered where he was rushing off to but I had more important things to deal with right now.
I headed down to my bedroom and changed into my training clothes. With a few cold splashes of water on my face, I was feeling awake again.
I made my way up the staircases until I finally reached the attic.
I pushed open the double doors into the large room and James smiled over at me.
"How was your morning?" He asked politely.
"It was really fun. Alice was really sweet organising that," I announced.
James nodded in agreement.
"I was thinking we could work on your bow and arrow skills a little?" James offered.
I agreed, trying not to think about last time I had used the arrows. Right before Kai and I kissed and everything went to hell. If only I'd controlled myself and stopped that kiss from happening.
James' touch was light as he positioned my arms and it certainly didn't send the same sparks down my skin.
"You're thinking about Kai," James noted as I set down the arrows.
"I don't want too, but I can't help it," I admitted, looking down at my bare feet.
"For those of us who are lucky enough to actually know him, it's hard not too," James assured me.
I smiled up at the fair haired boy.
"How did you two meet?" I wondered softly.
James' blue eyes darkened and he looked away from me.
"Something's are better left alone Kit," he sighed, but the tension had left his shoulders and his easy smile was quick to return.
My smile wasn't so quick to return though.
"Why is everything that involves Kai a secret? Why can't I know anything about him?" I complained rather heatedly.
"Kit, everyone has their secrets. So what if Kai has more than the rest of us? Would you really judge someone for not wanting others to know the dark parts of their life?" James calmly countered my argument.
I wanted to argue but he had a good point. There was lots I hadn't told about my life. It was just because I was too curious for my own good when it came to Kai. Just like that, my anger was gone.
"Let's do some sword fighting then hey?" James offered.
The afternoon continued and James praised my efforts and explained if I needed to make corrections.
I enjoyed my time with James. He was so patient, I would stuff up time after time and get frustrated at him but the whole time he'd calmly explain things and I'd often find myself at a loss for words. He must of mastered the art of patience to deal with Kai though, so it was hardly surprising.

After my afternoon with James, I quickly changed and headed down to Marcella's office. I was dying to know what was going on with Kai. Hopefully, it wasn't all my fault.
I was nearly there, when a dark figure appeared before me.
I froze as my eyes lifted and found Kai.
He smirked at my baffled expression.
"W-What are you doing here?" I stuttered.
"Aren't I allowed to walk around my own home?" He raised a dark eyebrow.
I looked down, not sure how to reply.
"Have you ever heard the saying 'curiosity killed the cat' Kit?" Kai tilted his head questioning, which caused his silky curls to fall into his darker than usual eyes.
My eyes wandered back up.
"What?" I frowned
"I know where you're going, and as much as I don't give a toss, I would highly recommend you don't. Some things are better off left alone," his tone was almost bored as he shoved his hands in his pockets and strode down the hallway, leaving me speechless.
Eventually I took a deep breath kept walking until I reached Marcella's office. Kai's words were haunting me the whole way. 'Have you ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat?'
Had he ever heard that the cat was going to die of curiosity anyway?
I knocked gently on Marcella's door before entering her office. Finally, some answers.

Quince wandered out, wearing his favourite pink shorts under his dark purple, velvet dressing gown. His blonde curls were messy, as if he'd only just go out of bed, despite the fact it was past midday.
His green eyes lit up at the sight of his demon, stretched out on his couch with a steaming mug in hand. Another mug sat before him on the coffee table.
"Ah, so I haven't been ditched for the Sydor boy after all?" Quince drawled.
"Oh I don't know. He's quite a looker that one," Lucas teased.
Quince glared at him in reply.
"It was a joke Love, now drink your coffee before it goes cold," Lucas demanded.
Quince grinned and took his mug before sitting and swinging his legs over Lucas's lap.
"How is he going anyway?" Quince inquired.
"Not well. Something happened with Kit and it made him snap. He's still got some control though," Lucas sighed.
Quince raked a hand through his curls thoughtfully.
"Did you hear about the senate?" Quince asked.
"Not much. What's happening?" Lucas sipped at his coffee.
"Rumours have it that Kyle Sullivan is taking over the senate, and he doesn't have our best intentions at heart," Quince sighed.
"Never trusted that loathsome man," Lucas cursed.
"They say demons are bad, but honestly some Hunters are worse if you ask me," Lucas exclaimed.
"I know. How is Kit?" Quince changed the topic before Lucas could get to worked up about things.
"She's well. Still fawning over her missing Sydor," Lucas chuckled deeply as he remembered listening to her thoughts earlier this morning. Okay, so he had kind of lied to her. He had been curious as to what she was thinking, so he was going to have a little listen when suddenly he was surrounded by her complex feelings for Kai. Her guilt was the main reason he wanted her to know the truth.
"What are we going to do? There must be something we can do for him," Quince sighed.
"You know who most likely will know is," Quince looked apprehensively at Lucas as he said this.
"Quince," Disapproval flooded Lucas's tone, but Quince would of had to have been deaf to not hear the jealousy hidden beneath it.
Quince pleaded with his eyes.
"Fine, but I'm coming with you," Lucas finally gave in.
"Lucas darling, she's not going to help for free," Quince hated the position he was putting Lucas in, but there was no other option.
Lucas's black eyes widened.
"Well then I'm definitely coming!" He growled.
Quince chuckled at the protectiveness that was flowing off the demon.
"Lucas, I'm going to help Kaiden. You're going to stay here and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid in the meantime," Quince informed him.
Quince leaned forward, kissed Lucas's forehead and disappeared.
Lucas took a second to recover from the kiss, but by then it was too late. He cursed, loudly.

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