Chapter 12

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I have another amazing drawing of Quince!! (Kai is coming next chapter!!) Mxnstrxsity drew it! She's so talented, everyone should go follow her!!
Also I was wondering, if I did another spin-off story about Quince and Elizabeth (as they have a rather connected and complex past) and posted it as just a short story would you guys read it??
Thanks for reading and keep voting for my chapters!! Love you all! xxx

"Miss? Miss, you've been in bed long enough. It's time to get up," Nora ordered me. For a young maid, she certainly had a rather authoritative voice.
I groaned at her and rolled over, pulling the blankets up over my face.
She'd tried to wake me up a while ago and I'd refused. She'd come back three times since then, so I could hardly blame her for losing her patience now.
I felt the bed move as Nora climbed on.
She wrestled the blankets off me but I held onto them determinedly. She began to tickle me and distract me. Soon I was laughing too hard to hold the blankets and so I resigned to my fate and let her pull them back.
"Now, get in that bath," Nora ordered me, suppressing her laughter.
I pretended to groan and very slowly, agonisingly slowly, crawled across the room to the bathroom.
Once I was in there, I dropped out of my nightclothes and sunk into the hot bath, Nora must have refilled it before waking me.
I contemplated as I washed my long golden hair.
Maybe I overreacted last night, I guess I hadn't really prepared myself for rejection. Kai wasn't into me like that. Sure, his words were harsh, but that was just Kai. He was blunt.
I made my mind up. I'd go find him, apologise for my actions and ask to continue our training. I'd act like a proper adult about it.
I smiled, grateful to have a plan. This hurt, a lot, but I'd rather still have his friendship than nothing. When did I even start feeling this way? When did I stop thinking logically? Shouldn't all my years with Henry have taught me better? Guys like Kai were no good.
Yet there was something about his soft black curls and alluring eyes, something in his stance that made him so irresistible...
I shook my head, these thoughts were so not helping!
I pulled myself up out of the bath and trudged back to my now empty room.
I slipped into the simple dark gold dress that was laid out on my bed and left my hair out to tumble down my back and shoulders.
I smoothed out my dress nervously before pushing open my bedroom door and heading down the corridor.
Oh how I had missed this place while I'd been at Quinces.
I kept walking until I stood in front of Kai's door.
I inhaled sharply before knocking. Silence.
I frowned. Had I really mustered up all this courage, just to find that he wasn't here?
I tried the doorknob and easily twisted it open.
Despite myself, I pushed open the door and peered into the dark room.
My eyes found Kai's large, double bed. In the centre of the bed, I saw something that violently twisted my gut and made me feel sick to the core. Kai slept, his black hair ruffled, with two girls either side. They looked like call-girls judging by their lacy underwear on show.
All three were a tangle of skin and limbs.
I rushed from the room. A moment longer and I really would have been sick. To think I had been on my way to apologise!
I ran down the hall and didn't stop until I was on the eighth floor, the library.
I curled up on the window sill, a book in my lap, but I couldn't even look at the pages because tears blurred my vision. I often sat here to read, it was a nice view out the window too.
I hugged my knees to my chest and focused on glaring out the window, to stop the tears. I'd cried enough last night.

James watched her race down the hallway. Her blonde hair flying out behind her as she ran.
He raked a hand through his own blonde hair. He knew exactly what Kit had just seen. He felt pity for the girl. She probably thought she knew Kai, now he'd gone and proved her wrong.
James wondered briefly what it was that set Kai off. What had happened last night? Kit had disappeared down to the park and Kai was on his last threads of control.
James let Kit run. She was better off without the troublesome boy at the moment.
He then set his teeth and pushed open Kai's door. This wasn't going to be pretty.
"KAIDEN SYDOR, WAKE YOUR BLOODY ASS UP RIGHT NOW!" James yelled and ripped the sheets off Kai's bed, leaving Kai and the two girls fully exposed. He honestly couldn't care less about the girls.
All three awoke groggily and frowned up at him. James noticed the girls looked slightly uncomfortable as they scanned the room for their clothes.
James pointed at the tiny dresses that were strewn across the floor.
They hopped into them and fled the room. At least they weren't complete idiots.
Kai looked almost proud of himself.
"Good morning dear brother," he grinned innocently.
"Kaiden Sydor," James breathed in annoyance.
"James Martinez," Kai mimicked his tone.
"A young girl thought she'd come and visit you this morning," James started.
Kai's face slowly drained of its colour as he realised what James was saying.
"You can imagine her reaction to this lovely sight," James's tone dripped with sarcasm.
"What's it to me?" Kai shrugged. James could see that it had affected Kai though, even if he didn't want to admit it.
"Kai, be careful. I don't want to lose you," James sighed.
For a moment, there was surprise in Kai's dark eyes, but it was quickly replaced with his usual arrogant amusement.
"James, just because I'm starting to embrace my true self, my true strength, doesn't mean I'm going to die," Kai scoffed.
James narrowed his eyes. For years now, he'd dealt with Kai's mood swings and outbursts but this time it was different. This time, James was unable to do anything and he hated it.
He turned abruptly and left the room.
He shoved his hands in his pockets and whistled softly as he wandered up the hallways.
"Lucas, do you really think that letting him sleep with two call girls last night was keeping him safe? Stopping him from doing something he'd regret?" James muttered, well aware that the demon could hear him.
A moment later, the dark haired boy appeared before him.
"Martinez, Kai didn't kill anyone last night. He didn't even get in a fight. Kai also came home for the night. I don't know about you, but I think that's asking enough of the boy. Don't you?" Lucas whispered quietly.
"Kai cares about Kit, and she cares for him. He is ruining their friendship," James dismissed the quiet menace in Lucas's tone.
"I don't care about their friendship. I care about keeping them both alive," Lucas reminded him.
"Now, I'm sorry to cut our little chat short, Martinez, but I have more important things to deal with right now," Lucas drawled, and disappeared.
James huffed and went to find Alice. If anyone could help him, it was her.

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