Undercover part1 (angst/fluff)

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(I wrote this while listening to Atlantis by seafret, so I recommend to listen to it)

For three months you've been refusing to go undercover for another department of the fbi but here you are, in hotch's office and even though he did all he could, you were leaving in 2 days. In the best case it would only be for 6 months but your task was hard and you didn't think you'll be able to achieve it in only 6 months. Now you had to tell Spencer but you can't just ask him to wait for you when you don't even know when you're coming back. So you decided that even if it was gonna break you heart and his, you had to break up with him so that he could move on and if he was mad at you he wouldn't worry about you. Now you're in front of the door of your appartement. You open the door.

-spencer I'm home.

-hi love, so what did hotch wanted ?

-oh nothing just a paperwork thing.

You sat next to him on the couch.
-spencer we need to talk.

-about what ?

-I think we should end it here.

-end what ?

You couldn't look him in the eyes.

-us, our relationship...

-what, but, I don't understand, tell me why this has to end. Tell me that you don't love me anymore.

-I don't love..

-no ! Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't love me anymore.

You looked at him, tears threatening to fall.

-I don't....I don't...

-see you can't ! Y/n you're not breaking up with me, you're stuck with me ok !

-spencer you don't understand, I'm doing this for you. Because I don't want you to hurt.

-because you think that breaking my heart isn't gonna hurt me ?

-yes but you would move on.

-y/n tell me what this is all about

-I can't, you'll know tomorrow morning with the whole team.

-ok but we are still together ok ? I'm not letting you break up with me.

-ok but you'll understand why I tried.

(Fast forward to the next morning in the conference room.)

You sit while hotch tells everyone the news, you look at your friends and coworkers faces turning sad.

Penelope: no ! They can't take you away!

-pen I tried every thing, hotch too, I have no choice.

Morgan: that's not fair.

Emily: yes I hate the system.

JJ: are they ever going to leave us alone.

Everyone is just talking about how unfair it is but Spencer is staying quiet, you look at him and he looks like he's gonna cry, he looks at you and ask you if you can go talk elsewhere.

Spencer: that's explain everything, y/n you were going to take all the hurt on yourself so that I wouldn't worry about you didn't you ?

-yeah because I know you, you were going to stop living and just worry about him. So I figured that if I broke up with you you'd be mad and so in a bit of time you would move on and live.

-y/n if you ever break up with me just know that I'll never be able to move on cause you're my soulmate. I love you.

-I love you too spence.

He leaned in for a chaste kiss.

(Fast forward to when you have to leave)

You're saying your last goodbyes to the team but you can't find Spencer, hotch ask you to go in the conference room for the last time, you go followed by the team. You arrive in the room and it's dark at the same moment someone turns the lights on and the round table is pushed to a corner of the room. In the middle is Spencer on his right knee, with a ring his hand.

Spencer: i know that you're gonna be away for awhile but I want you to leave knowing that I'll be waiting for you so y/n will you marry me ?

-yes, yes ! Of course yes !

He stands up and put a gorgeous gold ring with purple stones. He then kiss you.
The whole team congratulates you but not even 20 minutes later you have to take of the ring because you can't take it with you. The whole team  was with you till the moment that you had to get on the jet. And at the very moment where they couldn't see you anymore, you started crying.

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