chapter 3

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So a week went by from that day and jonathan was all better but steve well he was in a confused state of mind laying in his room looking at his ceiling wondering if he had feelings for that byers. Jonathan byers huh him of all people, steve thought to himself as he looks across the ceiling at the glow in the dark stars

"So if I like jonathan does that make me gay? But I also like Nancy" he says to himself. He decided to look online about it and it said he was bisexual

"Hm so maybe I am- oh a quiz to see if I'm bi or not" he says as he takes the test it said he was. "Well what if it's a Faze maybe liking him will go away" he says as he shuts his laptop and put it away

'Maybe I have to kiss him to see if I actually like him or not but how and I gonna do that'. He thinks to himself

So he thought that he should just hang out with him for a while or just run up and kiss him then run away well that won't work so maybe get him drunk no that to pervy

'But jonathan is a perv so ugh what do I do' he thinks to himself as he runs his hand through his hair 'ok so I can't perv on him so maybe I just act like I slipp- wait a house party spin the bottle'

So that's what he did he called up all his friends including Nancy knowing she would make jonathan go...

So here he is sitting in a circle with Nancy, jonathan and a few random people from his school two guys and two girls, so it began after a few trys and kissing ugly girls jonathan spun the bottle and it landed oh steve

His heart fluttered as jonathan slowly looked up at him from the bottle shocked this wasn't some faze he was in Love with Jonathan byers..

Everyone cheered for them to kiss so jonathan inched in close and put both his hands on Steve's face and kissed him it wasn't a Short kiss or a long one but it was perfect just perfect

Steve's heart was pounding in his chest as he sat down and so was... Jonathan's? He was confused why did he feel this way about steve it was one kiss and steve was annoying and stuck up

He doesn't understand..

After a hour of drinking and partying people left except for Nancy and jonathan but it was weird that Nancy couldn't find them both but whatever she was to drunk to care she passed out on the couch

Okie so what do you readers think should I just make a lot of short chapters? Like a lot or like one long chapter when I can?


Thank you so much for reading, please make sure to comment how your doing or if you like this story, I hoped you enjoyed reading and I hope you have a wonderful day love you all and till next time


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