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It had only been a day since the Music Club kicked me out, and I still hadn't gotten over it. It all just happened so fast. Much too fast. I still couldn't wrap my head around it.


The evening before, I came home with a fake smile on my face. I avoided interacting with my siblings and my stepdad since I knew that they would catch on if I made any major moves on them. Though Oreo was unavoidable. He continuously gave me affection throughout the evening and wouldn't let me cry it out. Every time I tried, he would just lick my face until I would start laughing. I could tell that Stepdad, Maxwell, Mason, and Delilah were suspicious at dinner when Oreo wouldn't stop licking at my lower thigh and kneecaps, and nudging his nose against my leg, but I simply told them that I forgot to feed him and they luckily bought it. That night, I made up my mind and typed up messages that I would text to them after school the next day.

End flashback.

As I walked through the halls after school, I pulled out my phone and copy-pasted a message to a group chat that consisted of Drew, Liam, Henry, Zoey, and Lia: Some say that suicide doesn't take the pain away, but instead, it passes that onto another person, but I don't think that's a good way to word it at all.
In my mind, I have always suffered alone, with no one to truly understand my pain, so when I jump off the roof in just a few minutes, I won't necessarily be "passing my pain" onto you, instead, you will be forced to put on my shoes and realize my pain and torment that you had never cared enough to truly acknowledge.
So you see, I won't be "passing my pain unto you", I will be bringing forth the empathy from within you.  The empathy that you didn't, and couldn't show me when I had needed it most.
It isn't "passing the pain to someone else", it's showing that empathy can save a life unless you wait until it's too late.
Em•pa•thy- Noun, The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Then I took my final trip to the roof. I picked the lock upon noticing that it was locked, opened the door to the rooftop, re-locked it, and closed it. I got my phone out one last time and copy-pasted my message to my brothers, my stepsister and my stepdad.
Hey bros...and stepfamily.
I just wanted to say thank you for being in my life. When things got tough, you guys and Oreo helped me through it and loved me unconditionally, and I can't thank you enough for that. However, I'm sad to say that I can't do this anymore.
I got kicked out of the music club over a huge misunderstanding. The music club was the one place where I felt like I could be me, and I ruined it because I'm fucking stupid and said some things that I didn't mean at all. I was bullied my whole life, and I had to suffer at the hands of my selfish dad when I was only a TODDLER.  Life has done nothing for me, except fuck me over every opportunity it had.
I'm so sorry it had to come down to this. No amount of apologies will ever erase the agony you're about to go through after I go. But all I ask is that you take care of each other, and take good care of Oreo for me. Tell him that I love him as much as I love you. You guys are strong. Stronger than I could ever be, and I know that you'll get through this together. Know that I will be watching you from above.
Delilah and Dad, I'll be sure to say hello to your mom/late wife for you.
I love you.

After I sent it off, I went to the music club's groupchat.  I knew they likely wouldn't get my message since they probably blocked my number, but it was worth a try.
Hey, it's Jake.
I know you've probably blocked my number at this point, and I know that I have no right to blame you for it, so I won't.
But if you're reading this, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I bullied you with Drew and the other assholes.  I'm sorry for joining the music club, because Zander was partially right: I joined with a selfish half-reason at first, but I can promise you guys that music truly was my way of life since the beginning.  I'm sorry that I continued to enable Drew and the others' behavior towards you, all because I didn't want to lose the people that had helped me when I needed it.  I'm sorry for the things I said.  I swear, I meant none of it.  And I'm especially sorry for what I'm about to do.
Some see it as selfish, but that's not it at all.  I continued to live for my siblings, my dog, and my stepfather, because I knew they would be heartbroken, but there's only so much I could take before I finally broke.  I continued to live for Drew, Henry, Liam, Zoey, and Lia, because they kept me from getting bullied again and I felt like I was in their debt, so I gave them my life, my soul, my heart, my tears, and my all until they took, almost, all that I had to give right under my nose before I could realize it.  I continued to live for you guys, because the other reason I joined, was that I wanted to sing since I was small, I wanted to make people smile whenever I'd walk up the stage, take the mic, and sing my heart out to everyone who was willing to listen.  You guys were willing to listen, and I can never thank you enough for that.  But I ruined it with my stupid mouth, and impulsive mind, so take what my friends didn't truly take from me, which was my passion for music, make something good out of it, and live your lives like I never happened to you guys to make up for it.
Thank you for giving me a chance, I'm sorry I ruined it, and Goodbye for good.

I sent it off, and took a deep breath before I nodded to myself and climbed the gate that blocked the edge of the rooftop. I didn't think twice when I threw myself off.

I looked to the sky and silently prayed to whatever god that could possibly be up in the sky to help my family, my "homies", Daisy, and The Music Club recover quickly from my departure. The fall felt like forever to me, but I knew it was only a few seconds at most.

A brief, excruciating pain filled me when my body slammed on the concrete before it almost immediately went numb and I near-instantly felt myself leave me behind.

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