Yo! In Case Ya Didnt Know...

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I have two side projects for 'Empathy' that will shine some light on the story's lore.

One of them has already been published called, 'Empathy: Unwritten Testimonies'.  This work is basically all the testimonies that didn't/won't make it into 'Empathy' along with the reason why they didn't make it into the final story.  That doesn't necessarily mean that these extra testimonies are worthless or insignificant, it's simply because I didn't want things to be too...repetitive in the main story, ya know? Not to mention that 'Empathy' is the most planned out fanfiction that I've ever written here on Wattpad so far, so if things get too repetitive in the main story, I fear that this will make you all get bored of it and my hard work on this would end up being for nothing.  Anywho, since Daisy's testimony of Jake's death is going to be featured in the Unwritten Testimonies book- and Daisy's testimony on how she copes with Jake's death will be the next chapter in 'Empathy'- I feel like I should wait until I finish Daisy's testimony in the Unwritten Testimonies book before I publish the next chapter of 'Empathy'.  I also feel that this "hiatus" will buy me some time to polish up the writing in the chapters that I've already published here and finish the planning for the other work.

Writing of which, the other work is currently a draft/manuscript that will be published when (Slight spoiler)Drew has a brutal run-in with Jake's ex in 'Empathy' (since 'Empathy' was written before episodes 10 & 11 dropped, no, Max won't be Jake's ex in this story- and to be fair, none of us really know for sure who Max even is to Jake).  This story will detail Jake and his ex's toxic relationship(more like trauma bond) along with how Jake and Drew met and became friends in this AU.  I currently don't have an official title for this work yet, but in case you are wanting to look out for it's release, I'll let y'all know when I come up with a title for it.

All in all, this book is gonna be fuckin b r u t a l for most- if not- all the characters involved cuz of the shit ton of ups and downs, but if it will lift your spirits a little(pun/foreshadowing somewhat intended-), I do have a bittersweet, but relatively good ending in mind for this.

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