Drew and Zoey; Mostly Drew (Third Person)

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Timeline: 2.5 days after Jake's suicide.

Drew started off slightly pissed, but composed when he had gone to Zoey's house to confront her about what she said about the recording, but it quickly escalated into a heated argument.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! What the hell were you thinking when you sent that recording?!" Drew shouted, making Zoey flinch, but she stood her ground with her nose turned up and arms crossed.
"Oh come on, Drew, you were practically in on it!" She scoffed, appalled by his hypocrisy.
"Except I never fucking told you to RECORD it, much less SEND it!" Drew raised his voice as rage began to shine through in his cold, tar-colored eyes.
"Oh puh-leeease! You're only pissy about it, because he's dead!" Zoey shot back with a smug-ass smirk on her face- not over the fact that Jake was dead- but the fact that, in her mind, she was being truthful about something for once in her life.
"Oh, shut it, bitch! Don't try to manipulate the situation!" Drew deflected.
"Hunny, no, I'm not contorting jack shit for once and you damn well know it! If anything, you're the one deflecting responsibility like the cowardly little PUSSY you've always been! Now tell me, Drewy, would you be yelling at me and cussing me out like this if he didn't kill himself over it?!"
Now that shut Drew up. He was dead silent for a long while as rage began to consume him the longer he stared at Zoey's face which was still tilted upwards in a snobby manner. Without thinking, he took a step closer and tightly grabbed her lower jaw in an attempt to force her to look at him when Zoey's mom walked in just before he could even start to cuss Zoey out. She froze at the sight of Drew basically hurting her daughter, before ordering him to get out. Drew rolled his eyes, but walked out of the room nonetheless. As he headed towards the front door, he shouted, "OH, AND BY THE WAY, WE'RE FUCKING OVER!!"
To which Zoey retaliated with, "OK, ASSHOLE, I HAVE A BACKUP ANYWAYS, SO I DON'T NEED YOU!!"
Drew was about to make a beeline back to Zoey's room to kick her ass for cheating, but her mom grabbed his wrist and forced him out of the house.
"You are not welcome back here, Drew.  Now kindly leave, or I'll call the police." She said firmly, before she shut the door in his face.

Drew was fuming in pure, unsaturated rage on his way back home, but it melted into sadness by the time he got to his bedroom and slammed the door shut. Goddammit...! He thought as he slid down the door and sobbed silently into his knees. Was this how Jake felt his whole life...? Was this what he felt when he got bullied? Was this how he felt when I pressured him? Was this what it felt like for him when he found out the audio clip was sent to one of the Music Club members? Was this how he felt before he jumped? He wondered constantly as he cried himself to sleep on the floor of his bedroom.

He woke up an hour later tucked into his bed. After he wiped the sleep from his eyes, he spotted a note on top of the mini freezer in his room with a spoon. He got out of bed, went to the fridge and read the note, which turned out to be from his mom. He opened the small freezer to see some small tubs of his favorite strawberry icecream, just as her note had promised. He couldn't help, but smile softly. His mom always knew how to make him feel a bit better, but then again, she was a part-time therapist, so it was basically her job to know a thing or two about what to do.

Drew sighed as he situated myself on his bed with an open tub of ice cream and turned his flatscreen TV on and watched a random movie. In the middle of the movie, Dot (his Blue Peachfaced Lovebird) wanted out of her cage, so Drew sluggishly got out of his bed and let her free. She flew onto his shoulder and rubbed her cheek against his. He sighed and plopped on his bed, making Dot fly off of his shoulder. He raised his finger and Dot perched herself on it.

"Heh...I miss him already, Dot, and it hasn't even been 3 days...!" Drew said, tearing up. "Fuck, I was a god-awful friend to him...this is my punishment, I know it is...!" He started to ramble on and on about Jake's death being his fault and how Zoey might be right about him until his mom called him to dinner.

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