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(A/N: Don't worry about seeing everybody's testimony about the things that happen in the story. I'm only using the accounts of people that I deem to have a more "vital" role to certain events that are happening/will happen in the story.)

As I walked out of Rosemeadow with the rest of the music club, I couldn't help, but think about Jake.  I had a feeling that the recording didn't give us the full story, and that there was definitely more to it.  But I was going to find that out when it was too late.

We were nearing the school's exit when I felt a buzz in my pocket and pulled my phone out, only to see that it was a text from Jake.  As upset as I was at him, something in my gut told me to open it, so that's what I did. Little did I know, this text message would change me forever.

I soon found myself unable to walk and my legs started to feel like jelly as I continued to read the message. I felt my lungs begin to constrict like a python closing in on my chest as my breathing got heavier. I could barely hear the rest of the music club trying to snap me out of it, but the only thing that caught my attention was a bone chilling thud, a sickening crunch, and dreaded screams and cries that ensued from behind us. My pupils shrunk and I stopped breathing as I knew exactly why the whole school was screaming and crying.

I fell to my knees and turned my head to see a crowd forming behind us, then I saw Jake's friends bust the doors of the front entrance to the school open and they froze in their tracks.
As the music club tried to figure out why the hell I was panicking and why everyone was crowded around the front of the school, I suddenly got up and bolted towards the crowd.  I pushed everybody out of the way and I could hear the music club running behind me and telling me to wait for them, but I didn't care.

I refused to believe that Jake was gone until I saw it for myself.  There laid Jake in the very center of the crowd.  A massive pool of blood surrounded his corpse.  Then his eyes...oh my fucking god, his eyes.  The lifelessness in his eyes were what scarred me for life.  I felt myself getting sicker to my stomach the longer I held eye contact with his desolate, hazel orbs.  Behind me, I could vividly hear Hailey screaming in raw agony and horror and Millie struggling against someone's grip (Luke), cussing the person that was restraining her out.

As I absentmindedly looked around, everybody was either calling 911, calling their parents, screaming in absolute horror, crying, posting pictures of his corspe online (disrespectful little fucks-), hugging each other for comfort, having a mental breakdown, or parents were dragging their kid(s) away from the scene with terror in their eyes.

I looked behind me to see Hailey sobbing hysterically and Zander hugging her tightly, all the while, trying his best to hold his own tears back.  Luke was holding Millie back from approaching the body, and Millie was cussing him out for it.
Finally, Zander snapped at her, "NO WE CAN'T!!  THERE ISN'T JACK SHIT WE CAN DO!!"  The tears finally rolled down the purplette's face.  "'ve really done it now, Jake..." He sobbed out under his breath.

I eventually caught sight of Drew on the opposite end of the crowd, who was as pale as his tanned skin could get. Henry was on his hands and knees, screaming relentlessly and the auburn-haired dude was trying to comfort him while crying himself. I could see Lia and Zoey hugging each other, crying. I saw Zoey's lips moving, but I didn't know what she was saying, but whatever she said was enough to get a rise out of Drew (FYI: The Jomies were towards the front of the school while the Music Club's backs were facing the school gates that lead to the exit).

The commotion of the school was then silenced quickly when the sound of sirens started to surround the school and I could hear two voices from behind me shouting Jake's name in the distance.
They both looked a lot like Jake, but the smaller one had black hair.  A few people around me started to move out of the way, so I did the same.  The smaller boy fell to the ground and started to panic, while the older guy doubled over and both of his hands flew to his mouth upon seeing Jake.

Paramedics came and were quick to pronounce him dead.  I started to cry into my hands when they carried him off.  I cried harder when I could hear the voice of the raven-haired boy screaming his name in pain and severe grief.

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