Jomies; Mostly Drew (Third Person)

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Drew was having his usual conversations with Henry, Liam, Zoey, and Lia when their phones vibrated in their pockets.  They took our phones out and saw that it was a message from Jake.

Drew had read only a few words in when he felt his stomach drop out of his ass.  Suddenly, Liam started bolting down the hall in hopes of saving him, and they followed him to the rooftop.

They briefly got their hopes up when upon seeing that the door was locked until they heard a few teachers run about talking about a dead student located at the front of the school and realized that Jake must have re-locked it in case anybody tried to come up and stop him.  They ran down multiple flights of stairs, refusing to believe that Jake was gone.  Drew ran the fastest he had ever gone and slammed the door open.

They froze upon hearing screams and cries from the people surrounding Jake's body.  They could barely see Jake's corpse with the whole school in the way, but they could clearly see a massive pool of blood forming beneath some people.

Drew came to his senses first and began to push his way through the crowd, the others followed shortly after.  The undeniable reality that Jake was really dead and gone hit them like it was a fucking subway train when they saw Jake laying motionless on the ground, practically bathing in his own crimson.

To Drew, it seemed as if his world went completely dark.  His world had already begun to turn grey when Jake started to hang out with the music club more, but in that moment, his world was as black as traditional ink.

Next to Drew, Henry's legs became too weak to support his weight and he fell to his hands and knees, screaming his throat out in emotional turmoil, while Liam voluntarily sat himself next to Henry and hugged him, tears streamed down his face as well, but he said nothing, because Liam knew that if he opened his mouth, all that would come out would be traumatized sobbing.  Zoey and Lia hugged each other crying their eyes out.
"O-oh god...!  I-I never should've s-sent that audio clip t-to the f-freaks."  He heard Zoey sob out to Lia from behind him.
What...?  What audi...oh...  Drew's eyes widened in realization and wanted nothing more than to stand up and punch Zoey square in the face, but the only thing that kept his mind off of doing so was the sound of sirens rapidly approaching the school.  Then he saw two people run towards the crowd and immediately recognized them as Jake's brothers.  Both were calling out his name desperately.

The students blocking their way were quick to move for them. The sense of regret Drew felt doubled when he saw Jake's little brother, Mason, have a panic attack, and his older brother, Maxwell, doubled over with both hands to his mouth. The look of anguish in their eyes made him want to crawl into a hole, bury himself alive, and never come out of it.

Some paramedics rushed past them and went to Jake's side.  One pressed two fingers against the side of his neck for about 10 seconds, another turned his body around to assess the wounds to the back of his body.  The back of his head was severely busted and his neck looked to be broken.  This made a few people around the jomies and the music club gag, some turned away, and some threw up at the sight, but they were dead silent.  They just couldn't take their eyes off of him, no matter how much they desperately wanted to.

When the paramedics pronounced him dead and took his body off of school grounds, Drew wanted to run after them, and the whole school seemed to want Jake to come back, but Drew's legs wouldn't budge and everybody clearly knew Jake was never coming back.

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