Chapter 7

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Samanthas Pov:

Geo decided to let us go home a couple minutes early so me and Louis were walking to Dunkin Donuts to meet up with our parents until i heard "Samantha wait." i turned around and there was madison and the rest of the guys

"werent you guys gonna come over?" madison asked

"oh yea Samantha was just gonna ask her dad" Louis answered fo me

"just wait here im sure he will say yes i just gotta rock my puppy face" i said demonstrating my puppy face

"aww thats too cute but why would he say no" madison asked in a baby voice while poking my nose

"because im a girl and im going to be alone with like 5 guys" i said in a boring tone

"oh i never thought about that" madison sayed

"bcuz your madison" i sayed in a baby voice patting his head

"hey in not a dog" madison sayed removing my hand from patting his head

i pouted "no but you could be you just gotta bark like this *realistic puppy bark*" i stated while barking like a yorky

"your a weird girl .....just go ask" madison said while laughing

" now if you both do your puppy dog faces he will have to say yes!" Mikey stated

"true now lets go!" louis sayed while dragging me into Dunkin Donuts

[in Dunkin Donuts]

Louis' Pov:

right away we noticed our parents laughing and talking about who knows what i gave Samantha the sign to follow

once we reached their table i fake coughed to get their attention

"oh hi louis whats up" Samanthas dad asked

"um can i go with Louis to madisons house?" Samatha asked really unnexpectedly

"yea sure i know all those kids their nice go along have fun!" her dad sayed

i was walking away but when i looked back Samantha was frozen so i grabbed her hand and pulled her out of Dunkin Donuts.

Samanthas pov:

Well um that was unnexpected

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