Chapter 13

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Samanthas Pov: 

After we watched The Hunger Games we were just laying on my bed with my head to one end and his to the other 

"How come your a sophmore if your 14?" madison asked me still staring at the ceiling 

"I dont know i guess im smart... but enough about me what about?" i said  

"me?" madison asked lolz this guy  

"Nooooo the other tall big headed weirdo" i said with sarcasm 

"Hey take that back!" Madison yelled sitting up glaring at me 

So of course i sat up and glared back  

"Say sorry" Madison sayed fake glaring  

"Nah im good" i said while laying back down and closing my eyes 

"Oh really" Madison sayed but with the sound of his voice i knew he was smiling 

"Yup" i sayed still laying down but with my eyes open he was giving me a evil smirk so i asked the stupidest question "What are you planning?"  

"Oh nothing im just wondering are you tickilish?" Madison sayed while getting up which i took as a sign to bolt out the door and hide in the kitchen cabinet downstairs.

Madisons Pov: 

Shes fast but i heard her go down stairs so i went to the kitchen first 

"Come out Come out Wherever you are!!!!" I said creepily

5 minutes later

I checked the whole house now im just freeking out and pacing the kitchen  

"Sam Come Out This Isnt funny anymore!!!!!!" I said sounding as worried as i probably looked 

i froze when i heard a familiar giggle from the kitchen cabinet 

"Where are you?"i said while walking towards the cabinet under the sink  

"BOO!" I yelled while opening the cabinet but sge fell out of the one next to it laughing. Well until she saw me she was about to run up the stairs but only made it to the couch until i stopped her by holding her wrist over her head. 

"So you never answered my question... Are you tikilisn?" I ask with a smirk 

her face got serious "no im not!" 

But since im Madison i had to check so i poked her left side causing her to jump ang giggle." I thought you werent tikilish" i said she was laughing and running around the couch so i wouldnt tikle her. But i jumped over the couch and pinned her to the ground with a evil smirk on my face i started tikiling her she was red by now  

"Stop i cant breath!" she yelled while laughing 

"Say sorry!" i yelled while smiling  

"fine im sorry" then i let go and layer down next to her 

"I hate you!" she sayed 

"yea yea i love you too" i sayed with a wink 

"that was so not cool" she said pouting 

"hey you sayed i was tall and had a big head!" i yelled also pouting 

"i was kidding" she said while giggiling 

after about two minutes we just layed on the floor staring at the ceiling. We were both just thinking and enjoying the comfortable silence.  

Until i broke it by asking "So do you dance?"

Samanthas Pov.

"So do you dance?" madison asked me 


"can you show me a dance or routine" 


"come on please" madison asked sitting up giving me the puppy dog face 

"you go first" i sayed 

"no i asked you first" madison tried  


"fine get your iphone were going to ICON" what the... 

"wait what" 

"i have the keys and plus your dads coming late louis just texted me so come on" this dude is crazy 

"your crazy" 

"i know so come on!" he said grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door.

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