Chapter 18

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Madisons Pov: 

Sam looked at me and walked up to her doc. I didnt know what she was doing until she put As Long As You Love me by Justin Bieber and looked at me with a smirk. "Dance" she said and sat down on her bed just looking at me.  


she then started having a laugh attack but i think i heard the words "im kidding" so i just sat on her bed. After a good 3 minutes she stopped and sat across from me

Samanthas Pov: 

madison was sitting across from me when his phone vibrated  

"its Louis he said that they will get here in about half a hour" he said reading his text 

"cool!" i beemed 

After 3 comfortable minutes. of silence 

"can i braid your hair i always wanted to braid someones hair but i dont have enough?" madison randomly questioned wtf 

"What the.... no!" i yelled started by my own tone 

"aww come one please just untanggle it" 

"what its already untaggled...... do you even know how to braid?" i questioned 

" Oooooo can you teach me?!?" he yelled  

"NOW!?!?" i questioned wide eyed 

"what no probably next week" 

"ok im tired" 

"its only 1 in the morning Oh Sh!t my moms gonna flip a shit" madison yelled the last part while staring at his phone 

"i can walk you home with Louis" i suggested 

"nah just go to sleep Louis told your dad i was here so he can drop me off" madison sayed casually 

"Oh we got a BADASS Breaking his curfew!!!" i yelled 

"really where?!" a familiar voice chimed when i looked for the source i found Louis outside my window 

"HOLY" before i could finish mad covered my mouth with his hand so ofcourse i licked it ;) lolz 

"Ew you licked my hand!?!?" mad yelled 

"Duh" i said while rolling my eyes playfully 

"cool what did it taste like?" Louis asked 

"thats what she said ;)" mad said while smirking causing me to giggle 

"like chiken" i said

After 35 minutes 

Madisons pov: 

Samantha fell asleep about 9 minutes ago so me and Louis tucked her in and turned off the movie we were watching. Just then Louis' cell phone began to ring so i being me hit him outside the head and whispered yelled for him to pick up simply because i didnt want sam to wake up.  

Sams dad then dropped me off and Louis and his mom crossed the street to go home.

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