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𝐃𝐨𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 - 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 + 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞
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   You watched from afar, shielded from the tall oak tree towering over you. Snow flew everywhere as you watched your mentor duel with your childhood friend. It broke your heart watching him fight for his sister before himself. Such a brave preteen attempting to fight a trained swordsman and failing. It would be harsh to call his efforts pathetic. Though you were protected, you pushed yourself closer to the bark and avoided the glare of his sister. The once sweet younger girl now looked like a beast, though she didn't seem to be causing malicious harm.

   You wince when Tomioka's handle makes contact with Tanjiro, knocking him to the ground. The two of you lock eyes before his irises roll into the back of his head. His sister, Nezuko, immediately sprung into action. You began to believe Tanjiro's pleads of his sister being a harmless demon. Still, you couldn't help but wonder how such a situation could have occurred. Tomioka was the strongest swordsman you had known, yet your palms seemed to sweat watching them battle. Soon, Nezuko was knocked unconscious to lay alongside her brother upon the snow.

   You gave your mentor a few moments to brush himself off before retreating from behind your shield. "Tomioka.." you stuck a foot out from behind the tree, aware that any movement would awaken the unconscious siblings. You hugged yourself tightly as you crept over Tanjiro. Gazing down upon his tranquil face, you felt pity. He always had such angelic features and now they were roughened up because of his will power to fight. You knew exactly how he felt, and you were sure he would go down the same path as you to protect his remaining family.

   "Run along, now." Tomioka's apathetic voice cut through the winter's air. "You don't have time to pity others' situations. I'll catch up with you." With one last glance, you tore your gaze from his subdued face and continued with your head held high. You were determined to not only fight for your late family, but for his. Perhaps you would cross paths one day.
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   Your nerves heightened from the clashes of lightning outside. The somber clouds seemed to conceal the illuminating streetlights from your eyes. With the dimming of the atmosphere, you and your friends grabbed their trays and headed to fulfill the remaining duties before bed.

   A breeze slips through your kimono, rustling against your legs and causing you to jump. The tea cup on top of your tray slides to the floor. Once the cup makes contact with the tile and shatters, the power is cut. "Watch your step!" You bellow, attempting to stay strong for your companions. The air around you thickens as the girls huddle up in fear. Nails scratching the wall draws your attention away from the group, allowing one of your friends to be torn away from you.

   "Chiaki?" You gasp as your heart drops to your stomach. You stumble backwards and strain your eyes to see through the endless abyss of mystery. The high pitched yelp from behind startles you. Without warning, three other trays - including your own - fall to the floor. Another friend, Hana, is snatched from the group before you could process it. "Please, don't do this! Don't-!" Her bloodcurdling cries echo through the empty hallway. You begin to hyperventilate, scratching at the neck of your kimono with demand to breathe. A hand wraps around your ankle and drags you down. Kicking your leg, you turn and see the pitiful eyes of the surviving girl: Kimi.

   "Kimi! I'm going to get you out of here, just grab my hand!" You cry at her and extend your arm to her. Feeling her fingers scrape against yours, you lean forward and grasp her palm. You began to run through the corridor without looking back. That was your worst mistake. "Please!" begged Kimi. "You have to let me go!" Your stomach fluttered as you continued to pull her by the arm. "I can't let you end up like the rest of the girls, Kimi."

   You crashed out of the doors and into the fog. Squinting, you turned to reassure Kimi. "Don't worry, K. I'm going to.." You feel the bile build in your throat. At the end of your fingertips hung Kimi's limp, disengaged forearm. It slips from your hand and drops to the concrete, splattering blood at your feet. No, you thought to yourself. The world around you slowed as the scene was painted before your eyes. Although you thought you saved a life, the only one you saved was your own.

   You stood motionless, blankly staring at the building in front of you. Demons leaped from roof to roof. Women ran in the streets and men retrieved their katanas. Children were ushered into dark alleyways to avoid being spotted. The bodies surrounding you blurred into colorful blobs as your heart began to pound in your chest. With a swig of air, you stormed back through the doors with determination. Once the doors swung open, you were tackled to the ground by a demon. Flesh stuck snuggly between its sharp teeth and blood dripped from its mouth.

   "What did you do with her?" You wail at him, scratching at his face. The demon continued to snarl and wrapped its slender fingers around your neck. "Tell me!" You demanded. Fury burned in your gut and air left your lungs. The demon's nails dug into your neck, the blood dribbling down through your hair. Teeth bared, you thrusted your feet upward in an attempt to throw the demon off of you. As your vision darkened, a fluid katana slipped through the air. The demon wore a blank expression as its head rolled off of its neck and onto your chest.

   Gasping for air, you sit up and push yourself away from the lifeless body. The swordsman stow away his katana and stared into your eyes. "Why did you put yourself in such a situation?" His bleak blue eyes bore into yours. You felt your lip quiver as you beg words to come out of your dry mouth. "My.. my friends. I had to come back for them." You reached for the punctures in your flesh and felt the blood seeping through your fingers.

   "Next time," he spoke with a monotone voice, "Go for the neck. The faster you kill it, the more time you have to save your friends." The swordsman extends a hand out towards you. Reluctantly, you take it and pull yourself up. Once again, you would be walking away from your home. You tripped over broken fine china and avoided stepping in electric pools of water. All the while, the swordsman guided you from all the memories you had built. Together, you walked away from the murder scene

Still shooken up from the events, you start to speak. "She's dead. I had her detached arm.. in my hand." You sob and stare down at your shaking palms. The departure from your second home was tough. You were hesitant to warm up to this place after being ripped from your hometown, afraid of once again losing the ones you loved most. Your mouth clasps shut to keep unwanted sobs from escaping your lips. The swordsman's glare burns into the side of your head.

   "Well, don't sit around and sulk. Do something about it." You stare up into his eyes, confusion lacing your eyebrows together. "W..What?"

   "You don't want it to happen again, do you? So train to make sure it won't. Go ensure that it won't happen to any other families."

   Though all the happiness had been sucked from your soul, you felt a drop of hope stir in your heart. "Me.. become a swordsman?" The wind blew through your tussled hair. The swordsman nodded. "I'll be your mentor, but you have to take this work seriously." He spoke with tranquil laced in his voice.

   "Of course." You spoke slowly. "I'll train and become a swordsman."
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𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 / Tanjiro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now