I'm Not Dumb Munson!

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Steve was supposed to be in the science class but he had a test he didn't studied, so instead of failing the test like a total looser he skipped.

He makes his way to the men's bathroom and lock himself in, He sight and sit on the cold concrete, pulling of his walkman. He slides his headphone on his head and plays 'Take on me' by a-ha. Ge throws his head back on the green wall and close his eyes, now he just had to wait for his two hours periods in here.

But in the mid of the music, someone kick the green wall in front of him. 'What the fuck!' He says while pausing the music. 'Hey' a guy's voice says on the other side. 'What do you want?'
'I can hear the music through your headphones' Steve rolls his eyes 'Okay and?' 'Well since we're both skipping and that I have nothing else to do, let's talk' 'And why would I do that?' 'Cause Take on me is a bad song' Steve wrinkle his eyes while making a light grimace.
'No it's not?' he says with a shocked tone. 'Uh yeah it is?' the other man says with the same one.
'Okay then if my music taste is bad what do you listen to asshole'
He hears chuckle behind the wall.
'Something your poor little hears cannot support' 'What you listen to sex's songs?' he kicks the wall again with his shoe. 'No deepshit, I listen to metal' Steve grins and decide to tease him a bit. 'Yeah that's what I said, sex's songs' 'You know what fuck go listen to your shit songs' Even though he didn't saw him, Steve dramatically threw a hand on his chest. 'God I'm so hurt that a total stranger is critiquing my music taste' he says with a fake pissed of tone. The guy laughs and Steve laughs too. 'What's you're name?'
Steve furrows his eyebrows. 'Why do you wanna know?' 'I wanna know who I am talking to, to see what I can say and what I cannot'
'Okay but thirst you tell me' 'No you first I asked you' 'And what if I don't tell you?' 'Then fuck you' A loud silence last twenty seconds before the stranger breaks it. 'At least describe you and i'll guess'
'Why not it can be fun actually'
'Okay you say one thing about you and I say one thing about me and vise-versa, got it?' 'Got it, so um..I have brown hair' 'Wow like eighty percent of the whole school that really helps me dude' 'It's the first one relax! Your turn' 'Well, I have dark almost black hair?' 'Your not even sure of your hair color?' 'It depends of the light!' Steve laugh and asks 'And what color is it now?' 'Dark brown' 'Okay my turn now, my hair is kinda long, like not enough to put them in a ponytail but still long, yours?' 'Fucking long, you can totally put them into a ponytail' 'Why would you let them grow that long, you're a dude!' 'Yeah I even have black nail  polish on my nails too by the way'
'Why?' 'Cause it looks fucking cool and stick to my metalhead image'
'Oh you're a metalhead?' 'I said two more things you're turn now'
'Uh well, I almost wear polo's every day and I listen to Tears for Tears' 'Gosh you're music taste is really pathetic!' He laughs. 'Hey Head over Heals is a excellent song!' 'Why are you even here by the way Mr Polo man' 'Great nickname Mr Metalhead' he repeats to make fun of the nickname he found for Steve. 'I'm here cause I'm supposed to take a science test I haven't studied for, you?' 'Well I have P.E but I absolutely hate it and for two hours' 'Dude P.E is like the best period you can have!' 'Oh no, you really are a sporto?' 'Shut up man, I'm not, I just like being outside' 'Well I prefer hiding here with a Tears for Tears fan than having P.E' Steve laugh at the Tears for Tears part. 'Continue with the guesses' 'Well I'm 5'10 (180cm)' 'I'm 5'11' 'Gosh how am I smaller?' 'Cause I play sports' 'Oh yeah right, I'm shorter than you because I don't run behind a stupid ball. Gosh thank you so much' 'Shut up, I was only joking around' 'Oh you were?' He says with a fake shocked tone inhaling dramatically before saying his sentence. 'No shit!' 'C'mon man, it's your turn now!' 'Well I wear rings almost everyday' 'Can I see' he don't respond for five second before answering 'sure' and shows his hands to Steve's through the space between the ground and the wall. 'They're so pretty!' He says while holding his hands and starts playing with his rings. Then he notice the cheap nail polish on his nails and took his index fingers. 'Nail polish looks good actually'
The metalhead chuckles. 'I know right?' he plays with his hands for ten seconds before the other says. 'Can I get my hands back please, my neck hurt from the position'
Steve let go his hands. 'Shit yeah of course' the hands he's been playing with disappeared and Steve look down his hands. 'Maybe nail polish would look good on me' 'God yeah' Steve smiles at his words before saying. 'Well an other thing about me is that my best friend is in the hellfire club' 'Hellfire club?' he repeats. 'yeah, do you not it?' 'I legit created this club what do you mean' 'You created it?' 'Yeah, which kid? 'Henderson, wait, are you Eddie the Freak Munson?' 'The one and only' he laughs. 'Fuck man hey!' Steve smiles mid sentence. 'Hi!' Eddie smiles too. 'God I'm so dumb I've should of known when you told me you're a metalhead' 'Yeah it's not like we're several' Eddie laugh 'So your Steve the Hair Harrington if i'm correct?' 'Yes' he says proudly. 'Yeah nail polish would look so good on you dude'
No one say a word for ten seconds. 'Can I..join you?' Steve says, there is enough place for two people in the same toilet. 'Uh yeah sure' Steve groans when he gets up, his but hurts from being sat on the concrete for too long. He unlock the door and joins Eddie. He open slowly the door and found Eddie Munson, wearing a red and black chemise and a leather vest. Black ripped jean and eyeliner on his waterline. He looked so fine like that. A boot on the the green wall and the other on the ground, the chains hanging on his back pocket was on the ground. 'Hey' He says, Steve sit down. Eddie's face in front of him so he won't have a torticolis after.
'Hey' he says in a deeper voice, fuck he didn't meant to sound like that. A light blush across on his face when Eddie smiles at this, playing with his rings on his stomach. 'Can I play with your rings again?' 'Didn't knew the Hair Harrington would like rings that much' Steve rock his head back on the wall laughing. 'Please don't ever call me that again' 'What the Hair or Harrington' Eddie laughs too, looking at Steve's adam's apple.
'The hair' He get an eye contact with the long haired when he look back down. 'Here' Eddie said while hanging his hand towards Steve who's start playing with his rings, being totally mesmerized by his hand. They don't speak for minutes, Eddie had his eyes close, enjoying the warmth on his hand while Steve was playing with it, sometimes looking at Eddie. Well sometimes meaning every ten seconds. Eddie's cheekbones and jawline were defined, light dark circles under his long eyelashes. His pink lips bleeding a bit on the inside, like Eddie had peeled them a bit. 'What are you looking at like that Harrington?' Steve had totally zoned out on his perfect shaped lips, gosh it was so embarrassing he though. 'Nothing, just lost in my mind' He was anxiously playing with Eddie's rings and he knew it because he do that too. He takes Steve's hand inside his and close his eyes once again, enjoying the embrace. Steve didn't moved even a bit. He didn't realized he was holding his breath until he tried speaking. 'Dude-' Eddie instantly opens his eyes to meet Steve's. 'Have you ever wished you were..a bird?' Eddie slightly laugh at his question. 'Why would I be a fucking bird Harrington?' 'I-I don't know, you don't have to be perfect or care about what other birds thinks about you, it's just you the wind and the sky.' 'D'you wanna be a bird?' Steve slam his head against the cheap green paint. 'Fuck yeah man, I wouldn't be the bitch I am, I would hang out with people I really like and shit' 'Just threw them of, they're fake friends if you want my opinion.' The whole speech Steve's eyes were closed like he didn't wanted Eddie to see the secret behind it. 'I always saw you in the hallway, with your stupid grin around school without giving a fuck about around you. I always wanted to talk to you, be friend with, you seems so nice but if I did I would be make fun of and more horrible things..'He mumbles the last part, finally he look down at Eddie finally opening his dark brown eyes. '..Are you crying?' A mixe of sadness and worried were in his voice tone. Steve knew it wasn't pity. 'Yeah because I can't hangout with you Eddie!' He puts his hand on Steve's knee to try to calm him. 'Steve, I would love to be friend with you, this bitch of Tommy don't deserve your friendship. Just tell them to fuck off, you will never be alone until I'm dead understood Harrington?'
Steve's stomach flipped at the Harrington who sounded way more smoother than before.
'Gosh, Eddie' He grins and hide his face behind his hands. 'What?' Eddie laughs. 'What's up?' Steve don't respond so Eddie trie to pull one finger by one and eventually his hands. 'Fuck off' Steve says without any harm in his word, they were just playing around a bit. 'Stop hiding it's not fair!' 'How can hide my face can be unfair?' 'Cause you get to see mine but I don't so it's not fair at all!'
'Ohhh you wanna see my face so baad Munson' he chuckle and tries to put his hands on Munson's cheeks to make fun of him but Eddie don't let him. It was childish but Steve liked it, even though they were at their high school bathrooms.


It's been an hour since Harrington was supposed to be in class, Eddie and him were telling shitty things that happened in their life when they hear the door opening. Both of them eyes widen. Eddie rush a finger on Steve lips when he was going to say anything, his index brushing his low lip making it being pulled down. You could see his teeth. Steve blushed but didn't pull the finger away. When Eddie finally looked back at him and saw Steve redder as a tomato, he blushed too. The person finally leaves and Eddie take of slowly the finger. 'Sorry' Steve lick his lips unconsciously, Eddie saw that. 'It's okay, don't worry'
No one spoke neither dare to look at each other, but when Eddie's boot touched Steve he looked up.
Eddie did the same. 'What's up with Nancy?' Eddie broke the long and awkward silence and the best thing he though about was Nancy.
Steve smile shyly. 'I broke up with her, I just don't feel the same way I felt with her. I don't love her anymore' Eddie eyes widen, what? 'Since when are you two not a thing anymore?' 'Uhh, maybe two/three weeks' His jaw falls onto the floor but he close he mouth when he noticed. 'What?' Steve asks. 'Nothing I'm just surprised that the perfect couple in this shitty hole isn't a couple anymore, and nobody told me' He says playfully. 'And you Munson? Any girls you currently interested in?' Eddie laugh to hide his stress the best he can. 'Well, I..not really, girls in school aren't that pretty actually' 'What about boys?' Steve asks like he didn't care if someone could hear them. '..uh' 'Is any guy you have a crush on?' Eddie studied his expression to see if he was trying to make fun of him and kicking the shit out of him if he said, yes I do. But nothing bad was detected, so Eddie let out a sight and almost whisper. 'Maybe' Steve grew a little blush on his nose but Eddie was too concentrated on the pattern of the floor to see it. 'What's his name?' Steve said with a genuine smile.
'You..don't mind that I like boys?'
Eddie's voice couldn't stop shaking and his heart pounding.
'Well that would be dumb of me to make fun of you for liking boys' he laugh at his comment. 'What did you said?' 'I'm bi so i'll would be hypocrite to make fun of you' Eddie smiles, he was like him.
'Great to hear because I don't like girls at all if I'm being honest' Eddie plays with his hair anxiously without noticing it. 'Anyway, what's your crush name?' Steve asks impatiently, drumming his fingers on his knees. 'You don't know him he's.. not in any of your period' Steve groans. 'C'mon man, even if I don't know him I want to know!'
Steve felt his stomach flip, did Eddie had a crush on him and that's why he wouldn't tell him he asks himself? 'Well, he is in my DnD club' Eddie lied at Steve face, too scared to tell the truth. Steve's face decompose but he quickly put on a fresh smile on his face to make seems like he didn't cared that it wasn't him. 'His names..Gareth' He didn't liked Gareth like that, sure Gareth was in the top three of Eddie's friends he loved the most but it was all platonic. 'Yeah I know him! Don't he plays drums?' Eddie's heart stopped, if he don't tell him the truth in the hour, Steve would tell Gareth and he will be ashamed in front of the whole DnD club for being gay and the fake crush he had for the drummer of their band. 'Y-you do?' Steve voice get a bit quieter. '..Yeah' 'Do..do you have a crush?' 'I do yeah, but you don't know him either' 'I told you who it was now it's your turn!'
Steve bite the inside of his cheek, making him tear up a bit.'I can describe him to you?' 'Again?' 'Yes, but if you don't want to then I guess you'll never know!' Eddie rolls his eyes.
'Fine but give real clues' 'I know I'm not dumb, he jokes, he is in my spanish class and he wears a lot of dark clothes' Steve wouldn't look at Eddie the whole time. 'He has beautiful eyes and a beautiful soul, and god his smiles. He has good taste in music and he is in a band' Steve mentally slapped himself but he didn't stopped, it was already obvious that he was talking about the man that was in front of him. 'His hands, gosh I just wish I could hold them for ever, he always have that chain in his back pocket that make sound when he sit on the wooden chair or when he moves but I like that noise, it reminds me that he's here you know?' When he did look up, he saw Eddie blush and his mouth slightly open. If only he could kiss him right now. '..he, plays nerds games but I think it's kinda cute to be honest' 'Steve-' Eddie pronouncing his name felt like blade inside his hear. 'But he likes an other guy so, what can I do?' a sad chuckle escaped his lips, nit breaking the eye contact they shared. Eddie just smiles. Wait, he's smiling? ''Steve, I wasn't being honest with you' 'What?' 'I..don't have a crush on Gareth like at all, it's all platonic' Steve eyebrow went up. 'Why did you lied about that?' 'Gosh Harrington, you can really be dumb sometimes' Eddie didn't gave time to Steve to replicate, he smashes his lips onto Steve's, pulling him closer his his arms. Steve bend over to get close to Eddie's chest, running a hand to his nape and his hair. It didn't lasted long before Steve broke the kiss. 'I'm not dumb Munson!' Eddie laugh, Steve could feel his breath, it smelled like strawberry flavored chewing gum. Then he kisses him again. 'Yes you are darling'

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