If Only You Didn't Played The Hero

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tw :spoil, kill (mention) , blood (mention), flesh (mention), organs (mention).

Here some angst my loves, sorry for the misspelling:)

Steve unlock the door and close it behind him, not locking it, hopping in the back of his head that someone break in and kills him.

It's been a week since he had died. Seven full days without hearing his voice, without feeling his cold rings against his cheeks, without feeling his soft lips against his. He throws the keys on the coffee table and go straight to his bedroom. When he opens the door, he slowly make his way to his bed exhausted by his day at the family video. He does not care if he's dirty or not, he haven't had a full night sleep since then, since he lost Eddie. He tried his best to, he tried drugs, alcohol and meds but nothing. Still wide awake or get awoke by a nightmare. If only Eddie didn't played the hero like he asked him too, the last thing Eddie said to him was 'Steve, I love you' while rubbing his cheek. And with a kiss goodbye, he was gone. He remembered how terrified and broken Dustin looked when they made their way to Eddie's trailer. How he couldn't talk because of how much he was sobbing. His heart stopped when he saw Eddie's dead body on the cold ground.

Steve sat up on his white sheets, watching the battle vest and the shirt Eddie left at his. He crawls to get them. He didn't worn it or washed them, not wanting to lost the only thing that made Eddie alive. He sniff the jacket, weed and his body lotions's smell fill his nose. He press the piece of jean on his face, if only he could feel the warm embrace on his back comforting his telling him it's only a bad dream. But nothing, only the coldness of his teats running down his cheeks. He break the contacte with the vest and hugs it.
This time he didn't tried to make himself silent. He cried so hard that he tough for a second that the whole neighborhood heard him and someone was going to knock to tell him to shut up. But no one came, no came to comfort him like Eddie always did. He was always here for him, and it was his fault if he died. He died so they would of have more time to kill Vecna and rescue the town. He is the real hero from Steve's point of view. Everybody in this town claim that he is still alive out there, waiting for everyone to forget about him only to come back and kill mire people and gosh Steve wished it was true. He he didn't felt his lover's heart when he put his hands on his chest, or the breath on his nose when he would press his forehead on Eddie's. Nothing, only the cold of his dead body.

Steve put back the battle vest on his chair. Holding his knees close to his chest and pressing his palms on his eyes to make them stop crying but it simply didn't worked. He saw his beautiful smile and then his empty eyes.

He threw his back on the mattress, his eyes were hurting from crying that much, his eyeballs burning from all the hours of sleep he didn't get. Everything hurts, his head, his eyes, his stomach, his arms, his heart, his soul. He wanted to calm himself, so he got up and went to his bathroom. He switch on the lights that at first blinded him but he got used to the light pretty quick. He search for the metal box that Eddie carried on him everywhere in case he always said. But one night he gave it to him with everything that was important to him, like he knew he soon was going to die. Polaroids of him, of him with Steve, nail polish, money, his neckless, Steve's letters he sent him, and weed. He takes the drugs, not wanting to hurt himself more by looking what they were more inside.

After making himself a joint, he light it up with Eddie's lighter and take a deep breath of it wanting to get stoned as quick as possible. And it did, cause of course Eddie only had good shit. After twenty minutes he could feel the effects, emptying his mind. He finishes the joint, not caring about the ash on his floor that he dropped. He slides on his mattress with a satisfied sight. He forgot about everything, about Eddie. Good thing drugs exist or he would be with his love day's ago. He turns himself on the side and close his eyelids. That night, the weed helped him falling asleep because he only had to wait three hours to sleep, a record. But was it really a good thing?

Steve opens his eyes, the warmth of his cover has disappeared. He was in a white room, sat on a wood chair. The whole dream he didn't realized he was dreaming.
Then, a door swung open, darkness on the end. He gets up and go straight through it. He turns to the door but it's not the same. He is in Eddie's trailer in the upside down. Stress rushed in his veine, he tried to get out but the fences blocked him. The whole trailer was covered by it, except for a window. Steve took a chair and crashed the window in little pieces, making his way outside. He runs to where he saw Eddie for the last time and he actually make it but he didn't looked like he did. He looked more dead than he was, like his corpse hasn't been moved since months, even years. His eyeballs being chewed by the demo bats, flesh and intestines on the floor and darks stains that he believed was old blood on his body. He felt like puking. His once boyfriend had his legs cut of, and when Steve looked back at his chest, he saw demo bats on his waist eating him alive. Blood flowing from his mouth, was he dying? He tried to take of the demo bats from him and when he made it, skin and flesh were stuck between their sharped teeth. He looked back at him, screaming. One eventually choked him making him fall to the ground, he tries to put his tail off from his throat but four bats immobilized his legs and arms. Other bats making their way back to his sides. He was dying, just like Eddie, the same exact way. He felt the same way his lover did.

He woke up in sweat, he couldn't tell if it was tears or sweat on his cheeks. His white shirt had darker spot on his back and his upper chest. He sobbed, again. He wished that the dream was true and it was him dying and not Munson. The most sweetest person he has ever meet. He tried to fall back asleep but when he closed his eyes he saw his corpse cut in half again and again.

Then he saw lights breaking from his window and then his alarm goes on, telling him to get up and getting dressed up for work. He sit on his bed, brushing his head with his sweaty palms and eventually gets up and gets ready for an other day at work.

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