1.5 ━ 𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙥𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙖

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*ೃ✧ ━ MINNIE smiled as Chole walked in, the girls butterfly clips

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*ೃ✧ ━ MINNIE smiled as Chole walked in, the girls butterfly clips... pinker than the day before, "Hello, welcome to Marianne's Pizzeria, how may I take your order?" She tilted her head,

"Without saying that everytime beforehand." Chole joked,

"Kinda hard when Marianne will murder me if not, she says it's quite warm and welcoming just how our pizza is." Minnie mimicked,

"Ugh, she sounds fun."

"So fun." She rolled her eyes, "Just like this outfit." Her hands gestured to her waitress like red uniform,

"Just be glad you aren't the one making the pizzas, their uniforms are kinda hard to pull off." Chole shrugged, "Still can't believe you have to work here, at least I get a discount on pinapple pizza." She practically sang,

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, it's better than staying home where I still have a restricted time on tv." Minnie sighed, putting Choles order in,

"Hey, Minnie!" Will waved as him and his group passed, Max grabbing Lucas's arm as he blew a raspberry to his younger sister before walking into Scoops Ahoy. The older girl waved back, a smile on her face,

"Okay, one, doesn't your mom know that it's literally been a year? You're concussions all healed up and two, why don't they come in here to get to the movies?" Chole questioned, moving out of the way so Minnie can attend to the customer behind her,

"Yeah, well, I still get headaches, ringing in my ears, I'm still sensitive to light and loud noises, etc. Basically I still have lingering symptoms." Minnie smiled, repeating the slogan to the customer and their order. "Your pizzas ready." She pushed the box to Chole, brows furrowing when the power went out,

"What the hell?" Choles eyes widened as she looked out the store. The power was out, everywhere. Not just in the mall, but it was only a short moment before it started up again, the red lights fluttering back to life in the store as another pizza box was put onto the counter,



"I'm going on break, Hannah!"

"Alright, have fun, visiting your boyfriend!" She yelled back as Minnie walked out from behind the counter,

"Not my boyfriend! His job just got the best chocolate ice cream!" Minnie exclaimed as she practically spun into Scoops Ahoy, a small smile on her face as she witnessed Steve flirt- and fail- with the girls in line, turning around to Robin briefly before Minnie approached the counter, ringing the bell. She bit her lip as he sighed, running a hand through his hair before turning back round,

"Ahoy... Min." Steve smiled softly at the sight of her in her Marianne's Pizzeria uniform, they've barely gotten to see each other since they both started their summer jobs. Minnie missed him, she missed all of them really, she's only been able to call Jonathan when he isn't with Nancy or at work, which is almost never.

"Ahoy, captain... I was hoping I, too, could set sail on this ocean of flavor, as you called it?" She teased, leaning a bit closer to him,

"Anything for you, Min, but I'm afraid you're still on the clock." He tilted his head,

"I'm on break, Stevie." She pulled back, hands on the counter, "Plus, Hannah doesn't care, she loves working on her own, it's fucking weird."

"Ah, fun, you like working there?"

"Nope, Marianne's on my ass all the time and she yells and she tells me to hurry up with the persons order even though they order thirty fucking pizzas and fifty fucking mountain dews and diet cokes." She sucked her teeth, handing Steve the three dollars,

"Thank God she's barely there, right?" Steve handed her the vanilla ice cream,

"Right." Minnie smiled, brows furrowing. She's only mentioned the fact that Marianne's barely there once, and it was weeks ago, "How's flirting with the girls going?"

"I haven't... you just teased me about it, don't." Steve sputtered,

"I promise you, your hat isn't the reason you ain't getting girls, you just suck at flirting, Stevie." She shrugged, noticing the lack of the white sailor hat on his hair.

"Yeah, right, it's totally the hat, it covers my hair." He sighed, handing her the ice cream,

"Whatever you tell yourself." She ruffled his hair, "Have fun scooping ice cream!" She began walking back to her job,

"Have fun flipping pizzas!" Steve exclaimed, sighing when she put her arm back and flipped him off.

"So, you've been flirting with girls even though Minnie's literally right next to us?" Robin asked,

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is the fact that you two eye fuck each other every time she's here." She shrugged, "She's into you, dingus!"

"No, she's not."

"You're into her, though. Is that why you flirt with every girl that walks in here? 'Cause you've don't think she's into you?"

"No, I know she's not into me." Robin sighed as his attention went to attending the father and daughter that walked in.

Minnie groaned as Chole teased her for the thousandth time that day, "You see him every day and yet he still complains that you don't spend enough time together, also, he literally looks at you like you're fucking picasso or something. Those are pretty clear signs of romantic feelings, Minnie."

"I've never seen him look at me like I'm picasso."

"You got him to watch West Side Story."

"Everyone's seen West Side Story, you can't call yourself a Rita Moreno fan if you don't at least know the rhythm to America." She shrugged,

"You two are absolutely hopeless." Chole trilled her lips as she followed her into the break room, "He literally said, and I quote, I hate musicals, they always bust out dancing and singing out of nowhere, yeah the dancings impressive and everything but you couldn't get me to sit through one." She mimicked with a deep voice,

"People's opinions change."

"Not with just a single look, you looked in his direction and suddenly his opinion completely changed? Whatever." Chole slumped in her seat, "Anyways, before you make me lose more brain cells... did you know Dustin's back from summer camp?" Minnie's eyes widened slightly,

"Dustin's back?"

hate this, love this

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hate this, love this

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