Chapter 51 Quackity quack!

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(Ayy new chapter!)

Ah another day in bed

What could be bett-

Oh wait it's a school day..


You screamed and jumped out of bed jumped into the bathroom swam around in the bathtub like a duck.

After you were done ducking around you dried yourself off and did what sailor Moon did and got into your school uniform.

You ran downstairs and gobbled a whole loaf of bread as Mr Beast watched you with a confused look on his face.

Mr Beast: Um what are you doing?

You stared at him and he stared at you.


You jump out the window while Mr Beast questioned his life.

You ran to your school but then bumped into someone.

Both of you: OW!

You looked in front of you to see a weird guy.

(Nana Neko: aka a guy)


You gasped and stood up in front of him.

And yelled out the most dominating word you could think of.


He looked at you and you looked at him.

????????: Quack?

Y/N: quack!

????????: Quack!

Y/N: quack quack!

????????: Quack! quack!

After that you two just kept quacking at each other as you both walked into the school.

And of course everyone looked at both of you weirdly.

And of course you both didn't care.

But sadly you two didn't have the same math class so you both had to part ways.

He looked at you and you looked at him.

He placed his hand on your shoulder.

????????: Quack...

Y/N: quack..

He took his hand off your shoulder and walked to his class as you did the same.

You sat at your desk and-

Y/N: OW!

You jumped up from your chair to find a knife on your seat.

You threw it away and it almost hit Mouse Ka-Boom he didn't get scared because at this point he's been almost killed by almost everything.

Suddenly the teacher came

Also at this point of the story you wonder if principal Luni is too broke to get more teachers because the teacher you see most of the time is professor Hades.

Until you realize you don't see your other teachers because Ben's always following you like a simp and stuff-

Actually no you don't see your other teachers because you always skip class and run off to strange adventures.

You stay glued to your seat as you noticed that you've been more aware ever since splendont went crazy over you.

You look at the board and wrote down notes.

You feel numb..

Your mind focused on the sound of the chalk scraping against the chalkboard..

You didn't know but before Professor Hades was even done writing on the board-

Y/N: done...

Everyone looked at you as you stared blankly at the paper only to realize...


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