That Was... Unexpected

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The next day we all decided to go to the mall, so I got ready With a sweatshirt and pants. Havan was wearing a black Ac/Dc Shirt and ripped jeans. "Hey Havan, after we go to the mall, do you want to watch a movie together?" She looked at me, surprised, and said, "sure." We all headed out to the mall and went to get boba. The boys decided to head to the pretzel place, and we went to get boba. I got strawberry kiwi, Havan got cherry, and dana just got some lemonade. She didn't like boba. Huh. Weird. "Hey, can I try some Chan?" I looked up from my phone and answered "sure". She tried some and her eyes widened. "Woah that's good." I giggled and looked down. "what's so funny Chan?" she said also laughing. "nothinggggg." I then Mumbled to myself, "You're just really cute." She took a glance at me and smirked, and I then realized she heard me. Aww shit.

We met back up with the boys, me still absorbed in my phone. I didn't want Havan thinking I was a weirdo. I met her not long ago, and I still fell for her. What's wrong with me? "Hey, Chan you good?" Dana asked, "I-I'm fine." Havan glanced at me and saw that I didn't seem okay. "Hey, Chan can you come to talk to me for a second?" "sure." She pulled me over to the side and brought me to a corner of the mall. "I'm sorry I don't want for us to be weird I'm sorry I called you cute can we just go back to-" she then cut me off by KISSING ME! I didn't expect that. I embraced the kiss and pulled away. She looked at me in my eyes and said, "I know why you're embarrassed. You don't need to be. I do like you." I looked her in the eyes and said "thanks H." She then pulled me into another kiss. I felt like I was dreaming. I never thought I would ever be able to be with someone like her.

We returned back and after getting out of the darker corner, I could finally see how red Havan's face had gotten. "Hey, you feel better Chandler?" Dana asked. "Yeah, I feel great!" I winked at Havan, and she blushed. "alright then." Dana said. Luca's parents brought us back to Havan's house and we went inside. "soo..." She said. "so..." I repeated. "Wanna go watch a movie?" She said quickly. "Yeah," I said with a quick smile. We went Into the living room and we both laid down on the couch. "do you mind if I lay next to you H?" "Not at all." I moved next to her and rested my head in the crook of her neck. My breathing eventually fell in sync with hers, and I looked up at her. "When did you know you liked me?" She responded, "As soon as you went skating with me. I knew we were gonna get along great." I went back to watching the movie and wrapped my arms around Havan.

Well, there you go. My other book has 3 playlists that I enjoy listening to while reading or doing pretty much anything. feel free to read! word count: 548

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