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It's been the whole summer, and we needed to head to school. I never actually signed up, but it turns out that my mom used her money for flying out to let me go to Havans private school. She figured I was doing good with Havan, and if anything went wrong, she could help me. On the first day of school, I felt panicked. I grabbed my jacket while talking to myself to prep myself. Havan walked in and I didn't hear her, so I kept talking. She snuck up behind me and pulled me close by my waist. I was surprised, but then said, "That better be havan or I'm gonna lose my shit." she laughed and kissed my neck softly. "we gotta head to school chan, better get going."

When we got to school, I looked around and saw a ton of kids. "Havan is it always this busy?" she looked at me and clearly saw I was worried. "yeah, but don't worry, I'll stay with you. Our parents specifically had us in all the same classes for this reason," she said with a smile. We walked in and went to our first class. We had science first, and then a passing period. During science, we all introduced ourselves, and I felt different since I was the only one in my class with an accent besides an American accent. after science we went to our 15 minute passing period. Havan went to the bathroom while I stayed by the locker. A boy walked up to me and asked if I was the new kid. I said yes and he asked, "Hey so I saw that your kinda cute, and I think you should go out with me." I responded with, "sorry I'm dating someone, but we can be friends?" He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me into a kiss quickly, and I tried to push him off. I heard Havan coming back, and I knew she could help. She tapped the boy on the shoulder, and he looked behind him. She punched him in the face and told him, "If you tell anyone what happened to you, I won't be scared to tell them you touched my girlfriend." I stood behind Havan with tears in my eyes. Havan pulled me into the bathroom to get me cleaned off and wiped the tears off my face. "Chan your okay, I got you." she pulled me into a hug and I still found myself shaking. "Chan, can I kiss you?" I nodded and kissed her. we stayed like that for a few seconds when someone walked in. Little did we know, she saw the whole thing.

The next day I saw a photo of me and Havan kissing on a girl's snapchat story. I was automatically friended to everyone in the classes I have since this school makes us socialize if we can. The caption said, "Look at the freak and the new kid, I should have known that they would be together." I didn't tell Havan, and since she doesn't have Snapchat, she didn't see it. The next day I felt all eyes on me. I also noticed that notes were stuck to Havan and my lockers, so I took the time to remove all of them before Havan saw them. 

BAM! i got some new inspiration, and also I'm thinking of making a chapa whump/romance between an oc or reader, so be looking out for that. I am currently working on it, but honestly, the cover is taking forever I will be making owl house and arcane fics too, just need to study them a little more to find character traits Also, please tell me if you want me to do smut, I'm thinking about it, and also all the characters in this book are 17. Word count: 628

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