In Plain Sight

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This chapter was recommended by flint2005, please feel free to suggest more! 

It was 6:05 in the morning when I heard a crash of something falling, then Havan yelling, "SHIT" I quickly got up and ran into the kitchen. I saw Havan picking pieces of a glass jar off the ground, and offered to help. I kneeled down and helped Havan pick up the glass. We got most of it up when I noticed Havan's hand started to bleed. It was apparent she noticed but didn't care. I grabbed her by the elbow and washed off her hand, and put a bandaid on it. "See? all better," I said with a wink. we carefully picked up the rest of the glass and Havan mentioned wanting to go on a date. We planned on going for lunch, and I decided to plan outfits. It may be the morning, but no time like the present?

Time skip to 11 brought to you by my fucking laziness

Havan was wearing a nice flannel with a band shirt underneath, with baggy jeans. I decided on wearing a varsity jacket from my old school with a white shirt underneath, and jeans. We decided to skateboard there, and we went to an old-style diner with an arcade. we sat down and ordered, Havan got a shake and some fries since we ate a pretty late breakfast. I only got a shake, but I did eat at 10. "Sooo Havannn, do you miss the filming?" I asked. She nodded and whispered yes quietly. I asked her what was wrong, and she mentioned it was her first official date. I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "It's alright cutie." I saw her face turn red, and she slammed her head on the table. I giggled and said, "Don't worry it's cute when you're embarrassed."

When we got our food, we shared old stories about ourselves, and how we got into acting. We were having such a great time that when I pulled Havan into a kiss, I didn't even hear the door open. Luca, Terrance, and Dana walked in, and once we noticed we pulled away quickly. Dana said, "Since when were you two a couple?" Then Luca said, "Havan you ignored our texts! We told you we were meeting up here and invited you two since Havan loves this place!" Havan looked at me, shrugged, and said, "I turned off my notifs for the date." I giggled and told them that it's been a while and we didn't think to tell them. We all decided to hang out together, and we went to Lazer Tag. 

It was me and Havan against Terrance, Dana, and Luca, since they were mad we didn't tell them. Little did they know, I had experience with guns. My Mom used to bring me to gun ranges since I was 10. I knew exactly how to aim and move around quickly since I also did a lot of parkour. HAvan and Iwon, and we told them we were taking a break. I dragged Havan over to the back of the arcade and kissed her. She seemed surprised but eventually embraced it. We eventually found an old shooter game that nobody seemed to use with 2 doors and kissed for a good 10 minutes in there.

I'm Back! Thanks so much for the suggestion flint2005 and I hope you guys have a great day! I'm planning on rapid firing all 3 of your suggestions, so be ready. word count: 582

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