"Can I Kiss You?"

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I woke up at 1 am to sharp pain in my back, and I was still curled up against Havan. I buried my head in her neck and tried to fall back asleep. it didn't work. I looked around and saw bob lee smelling me. I may have stolen his person. Oh well. I got up and let Boblee sniff me before helping him up next to Havan. I watched him snuggle in and smiled. I went over to my room and grabbed 3 Advils. I grabbed some water and took them.  I wasn't sure where the pain was coming from. It felt like a knife was drilling into my back. I went over to see in the mirror and couldn't tell. I concluded it was another muscle spasm and went back to Havan's room. I saw that Boblee had climbed on top of havan, who was laying on her back. I giggled and laid back next to her, not realizing she had been awake. "Hey cutie, where'd you go?" I was shocked by this and I froze. "I um I.." Havan giggled and said, "calm down, we need to get some sleep." I still couldn't sleep since the Advil hadn't kicked in yet, but I laid down next to her and rested my head on her chest.

I woke up at 9:43 am, and Havan was gone, but so was the pain. I went out to the living room and saw that she was making breakfast. "Oh good your up. You well rested?" I looked around and said "yeah. Hey where's your mom?" she then replied, "working." "Hey, Chan quick question. Do you know why there were 2 Advil pills on the table? or did my mom leave those there?" "Oh sorry, I left those there while getting some last night. I had terrible back pain." I responded. "Oh okay, I just wanted to check Boblee didn't get them." I walked over and asked Havan what she was making, and she was making avacado toast. I then went to go get changed, and changed into jeans with a short sleeved baggy tee. I went back and saw Havan giving Boblee some avacado. I recorded from the doorway as she talked to him about how this was all he was gonna get. I giggled and I guess she heard me. "CHANDLER BAY ABBOTT YOU SURE AS HELL NOT BE SENDING THAT TO ANYONE." I ran to my room and yelled on the way there, "YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" I sent the video to Dana, as soon as Havan reached my room. "Nothing you can do now!" I said while laughing. I fell back on my bed in a laughing fit, and evetually Havan started laughing too. 

After we stopped laughing we both realized we left Boblee with the toast, and ran back. "Aww noo." Havan whispered, seeing Boblee with avacado all over his face. We both cleaned up and I got a response from Dana. It said, "I knew she talked to animals!" I giggled and Havan walked over. I showed her Danas text and she slightly laughed and shook her head. She told me she was heading back to her room, and of course, I followed. I saw her flop back in the bed, obviously exausted from the morning, and I walked over and sat next to her. I laid back next to her, and we both looked at each other. She leaned up a little, maintaining eye contact, and while her lips got closer to mine, She asked, "Can I kiss you?" I then nodded. She closed the gap and locked me in a passionate kiss.

Well then. There you guys go. Guess what? It's one AM again! Time for me to go to bed, but i hope you enjoyed this chapter!  Word count : 635. Also, feel free to give me ideas. I'm running out!

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