Chapter 2 - That guy

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I burst through the door, "Oh man I am exhausted! Who knew that school could be so frustrating." I exaggerate. "Ha you're telling me!" My dad yells from the kitchen. I smile and walk over to him and take a seat on the stool, he's cutting up carrots. "So?" My dad raised his eyebrow, "so?" I raised my eyebrow mimicking him. "School? How did school go? Did you make any friends? What's the goss?" I laugh My dad is like a teenager ' what's the goss ' really dad? "Well I think I made a few friends.. I mean i sat with them at lunch?" I didn't really know if I was friends with the group I met at school, I think I am? "Oh that's good!" My dad smiles. I take a grape and put it in my mouth, "but omg Mrs Camolton is so annoying, If someone even coughs she will give them afternoon detention! Dad seriously I was afraid to even shift in my seat!" I brag to my dad about my horrible biology teacher. My dad laughs along with me. "You're good kid." He smiles and turns his back, it's almost like he was a little upset.. "I'm going to cook dinner, how about you go upstairs and finish putting your things into place hay?" I nod and walked upstairs to my room.

I jump straight on my bed. Oh that's good, but I gotta and finish unpacking the little things. I get up and put away a few things like Jewllery and clothes. I pick up a frame of my mother and sit it on my side table, I stared at the frame for a moment, the fimiliar sound coming from my phone. I stood up and looked at my phone.

'David Franco wants to be your friend on Facebook' I wiggle my eyebrows and slide my lock screen. I accepted his friend request and stalked his page. I mean you're lieing if you don't do that? I was swiping through his photos when one caught my eye. It's a group photo with him, Holland, Jackson and That guy. Shit I forgot his name. I look at that guy remembering how I met him today, he was good in drama class. He was very funny and just outgoing. I couldn't take my eyes off of him when he performs, he's a natural - "Aurora! Dinner!" My dad calls from downstairs, breaking my thoughts. "Coming." I yell back. I left my phone on my bed and went downstairs.

"Bye dad, I love you too." I slam the door close and walk towards the doors.

I go to my locker and put away my books. First class is drama, yay, good way to start off the day.

I walk through the doors and began to find a seat at the back, I look around and everyone is chatting.

"Okay quiet quiet! I have some very exciting news for you all." Everyone's attention turned to Mrs Perez. "For this semester, we are doing something really different and it is going to be a great opportunity for everything who is continuing into the acting path way." my attention is fully in Mrs Perez, just wish she would get on with it! "Are we all fimiliar with the people.. Jodie Opi and Tom Yaza?" Jodie opi and Tom yaza are writers and directors, they wrote amazing books and films, together. I guess you can say I've watched and red a few of their books and movies.

"They are looking for inspiration, they are looking to write and produce a movie. So what they have done is they are holding I guess you can say auditions at their showcase. So there will only be 2 groups that will be entering because there was only 2 spaces left." Gasps and squeals filled the room, I mean I couldn't blame them, this is so huge!! This is amazing!! "Okay shh shh! So this is groups no more then 4 and no less then 2, you are in charge of everythjng like, writing the script, holding auditions whatever it is. You have until the end of the semester to perform it to me and I'll pick. May the best script and performance win."

Holy fucking shit. Now fucking way. Holy. fucking. shit!! Um.. I look around and everyone already has a group or a partner.. I guess that's one of the perks of being the new girl I guess. "Excuse me miss, yeah can we write the script by ourself?" I questioned her. She looked around, she's saw no one else but me without a group or a partner. "For you yes because everyone else has someone." well I guess that's good I guess - "Mr O'Brien late again to class, you know I don't want to give you a detention on your second day back at school?" I turned my head to see that guy, I still can't remember his name, well I know his last name. "I'm sorry My jeep is just having a bad day, I'm sorry." He smiled. " Oh Aruroa, I found you a partner." she smiled and pointed at O'Brien.

"Hey Aruroa, so what are we doing?" He questioned, he sat next to me and watched my own tap on a piece of paper. I explained everything Ms had said to us but then I started to freak out. "Wow, wow Aruroa slow down. Okay so we will write the script, it will be great. Especially with my help I mean.." He laughed and licked his lips.

"So I'll come by your house this Arvo and we can talk about our ideas?" I never invited him over? Does he just invite himself over? "Uh yeah okay, I'll text my dad and tell him you're coming." Omg my dad is going to freak. "Um meet me at the tree with the pretty flowers?" I laughed. "Yeah okay. See you after school." He gave me a warm smile and I still don't remember his name.

It has been 10 minutes, where is this kid? Well on the bright side Holland invited me to sit with them at lunch again today, I guess I finally made friends. The guy comes running over to me lost of breath, "Sorry- I'm- late." He breathed out. "Come on!" He struggled to walk to his car, I couldn't help but laugh. "What - are - you - laughing at?" He took a breath between his words. "You!" I continued laughing, "oh ha ha" he mocked, "Get in." We stop at his car, it's a jeep, a blue old jeep. I jump in the passenger seat and he starts the car then we come to an complete stop. He stalled the car. I burst out laughing, "It's a little crappy okay, it's the car, not me." He turned the car on again without stalling it.

"Uh.. hey dad." I mumbled, he turned and looks at me then seen O'brien walk in after me. he furrowed his eyebrows immediately. "Hey" he waved and smiled. "Aurora who's this?" My dad questioned, I forgot to tell him.. " This is uh, my friend." I fake cough, "Does your friend have a name?" Yeah I forgot it and I don't want him to know, "yeah.." I look at O'brien and then my dad. "Are you going to tell me?" my dad lifted his brow and licked his lips. Omg what do I do, "Er, nope." solid work Aurora. "My names Dylan," he walked up to my dad and shook hands. Oh my god. I am so stupid. This is so embarrassing. I might as well jump off a bridge. "Hello Dylan, I'm Marco." My dad smiles and then looks at me oddly. "Okay let's go upstairs." I grab Dylan and run up the stairs. I open my door and walked in, Dylan following behind me. "Okay let's do this thing." I say and sit on my bed grabbing out my laptop. "Aurora I know you forgot my name.." Dylan speaks with a smile on his face. "I did remember your name okay, just not then.." Okay, so I didn't remember his name at all! "Aurora you don't have to lie." He laughs, I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Heck no am I admitting that I forgot his name!

"So what should it be about?" I ask Dylan who is wondering around my room, looking at my stuff. "Uh I dunno." He continues to walk around. "Well we can do stuff like, love, hate, rejection and-" he cut me off. "Who's that?" He's pointed to the photo frame of my mum. "That's me and my mum, she died when I was 3." I stared at him. "Oh.. I'm sorry." He looked at me and put the photo back. "It's okay." I gave him a warm smile.

"Uhhhhh I don't want to do this anymore!" Dylan lays flat back on my bed. "Dylan quit winging! We haven't even started writing this out!" Dylan is zero help, we are brainstorming and he has come up with no ideas! "Dylan this could be a kick starter to our careers. But I think it's enough for one day, especially for you." I laugh looking at him, he looks exhausted. I don't know why because he just sat there and did basically nothing.

"So same thing tomorrow?" I asked dylan as he's getting in his jeep to go home. "Uh.. Tomorrow I can't.. I'm going to the movies with my friends." I frowned. "Oh okay.. Well tell me when you're free.." I said with disappointed. "Well here give me your phone." I gave him my phone, he pulls out his and start typing shit into the phones. "My number is in there and I've got yours." He smiled and so did I. "I'll text you, bye." He drives out and I waved.


This chapter was a lil boring, but the next chapter definitely a little more interesting and cute.

Next chapter up next week x vote and comment your thoughts x

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