Chapter 3 - Insidous 3

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"Hey Holland." I smile and sat across from her at lunch. "Oh hey." She smiled and turned her attention to Colton who just sat next to her. "Are you excited for tonight?" Holland asked Colton. " Yeah.. I guess.. Not really." Colton replied, "Oh hey Aurora you should come tonight, we are going to see insidious 3." Holland said with excitement, "Uh I don't know.." I said unsure, I didn't want to third wheel? "Oh Dylan over here!" Dave yelled waving his hands. "Hey guys, oh Aurora? Since when do you hang out with us?" Dylan looked at me.. I knew he hung out with these guys, but I didn't think that he hung out with this group at school? he has never sat here like ever? "Uh I've been hanging here since I started here.." I said confused. "Oh, well okay then. Hay are you guys excited for the movie tonight?" Dylan said smiling like a dork.. wait Dylan is going? "Yes I'm scared as fuck!" Dave said with a full mouth of food. "Are you coming Aurora?" Dylan asked. "No I don't think-" I cut Holland off, "Yeah I'm coming.." I smiled at Holland and Dylan. "Oh great!" Holland said.


"Hey guys," I smiled and huddled in with the group, everyone was here, Holland, Colton, Dave, and Dylan. "Hey Aurora" they all said at different times. I went and sat down on a seat next to a plant, the movie didn't start till 10 minutes and Holland bought me a ticket already. "Hey," Dylan sat next to me. "Hey" I mumbled. "So are you scared for the movie?" Dylan asked "Eh not really, I'm a big horror fan and I like the demonic stuff.." I say "You wouldn't like me then." Dylan said quietly, but I heard him. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. he looked at me for a moment and shook his head. "Haha just that.. You hate scary movies." He smiled and laughed awkwardly. "Oh haha, it's only fake.." I said, something is up with him? "Yeah I know that, just creepy." He said, I looked at him for a moment. "The movie is about to start come on." He said and so I followed him into the cinema.

Holy shit this is a lot scary then I thought, very interesting though. I look at Dylan, his eyes are glued to the movie but he didn't budge not once. Throughout the movie people would scream, cover the face and jump in there seat, like me. But Dylan just sat there, almost like he's seen this before. I heard gasps and quickly looked back to the movie.

But I turned my attention back to Dylan.. Maybe if I just nudge him.. I moved my hand and grabbed his, he didn't move, not even a little. I rubbed my thumb on his hand and it's like he was somewhere else. He shook his head, blinked a few times and looked at me. I have him a small smile, I was so confused. He looked down at my hand on his and looked at me. I thought he would've interlocked our hands but he didn't, so I moved my hand back and watched the movie. That's embarrassing. All of a sudden He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers, I look at him with confusion. Why didn't he do that before? Weird. He smiled at me and turned his attention to the movie.

"Hey Aurora do you need a ride home?" Holland yelled from Coltons car. "Uh no thanks, I'll walk my house is only a few streets down." I smile, "Okay, cya then." She smiles and the car drives off.

I began walking to my house when I felt a tight grip around my arm, of coarse my first reaction is to attack. I turn and smack whoever was behind me in the face, then I hear a gasp of air and the tight grip let go. I look down and I see Dylan, "Omg I am so sorry!" I apologize and immediately burst into laughter. I know it's bad to laugh but I couldn't help myself. "Okay okay, you've had your fun." Dylan coughs and rubs his cheek where I had hit him.

" I didn't know it was you, sorry." I let out a little giggle and I began to walk again. "Hey where are you going?" Dylan ran up to me. "I am going home?" I laughed. "Well I'm not going to let you walk home alone, I'll walk with you." He said, I shrugged and we walked.

"Soo," Dylan says. "Soo?" I say. "Why did you move here?" He asks, I looked at him. "Well my dad got offered a job here, he took it and so we moved here." I said without detail, I didn't really want to bring up the past.

"Oh cool." he said kicking a little rock on the footpath. "Soo have you had a boyfriend?" He asks. "Dylan!?" I say, this topic is a little embarrassing for me. "What? It's a question?" He said laughing. "Well, if you must know." I gave him the evils and he raised his eyebrows waiting for my answer.

"No." I said in a whisper, He looked at me. "What? I can't hear you." he whispered teasing me. "I said I have never had a boyfriend." He looked at me with blank face for a good 1 minute until he started cracking up laughing, knew this would happen. "Can you not be rude?" I frown, upset. "I'm not being rude? I think it's funny that you think not ever having a boyfriend is bad." He said. I look at him confused. "What?" I say.

He looks at me, "Aurora, it's not bad or embarrassing if you haven't had a boyfriend. In fact I think it's cute." He says shrugging his shoulders. I look at him and furrow my eyebrows. "You do?" I say even more confused. "Yeah" he says. "Why? I thought the boys only like girls with 'experience'" I roll my eyes. "Mm.. Maybe some guys, but I'm totally cool with it." He smiles and so do I.

"Okay what about you? Have you ever had a girlfriend." I say smiling. he looks at me and licks his lips. "Yeah I have but only one serious relationship not the grade 7 ones that lasted for a week or less." We both laugh. "It was the best but there was just so much shit happening and I wasn't happy, I don't think she was either." Dylan says, I nod my head and play with the ends of my hair.

I stop Dylan and look at him, "Thankyou" I say smiling at Dylan. He looks at me confused. "For what?" He says and cracks a confused smile. "For being a good friend, I have been so lonely for so long ever since my mum passed. You make me smile." I say, he looks at me and then looks down at his feet, I look at him and furrow my eyebrows. He looked upset and a flash of guilt across his face? "I lost someone close to me," he spoke, he began walking and I was right beside him. "He had been my bestfriend since kindergarten, we would do everything together. He died and I'll never forgive myself." Dylan said, I looked at him upset, "Dylan you shouldn't blame yourself." I said rubbing his shoulder, he just kept his eyes on the ground. "You don't know Aurora." His voice became deep and dark. So I shut up and the rest of the walk was silent.

"Well this is my stop." I say smiling, standing out the front of my house. he looks and me and smiles. "Thankyou for walking me home Dylan." I smile at him and hug him. "No worries, I wasn't going to let a beautiful girl walk home by herself." I was a little shocked when he called me 'beautiful'. "Bye Dylan." I say walking up to the front door of my house. "Cya Aurora." He smiles and then continues to walk.

I turn and face the front door putting my hand on the door knob and smile.

Well long time no update!! Sorry I've been away for so long, but I'm back now yay! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please vote and comment if you liked ;) love ya x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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