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School starts once again after summer break and it is a hard time for students, especially for Marunaki, the most tired boy on earth.
Marunaki is a responsible boy, he preoccupies about his studies and he worries about his future. Maybe he worries about it too much.
He's got a family of two, his mother (who works way too much) and his younger sister (who thinks a lot about her popularity).
His mother, Ochisashī Sakura, works as a nurse in a private clinic. She works at night and some hours during the morning for the whole week. On sunday's she rests for the whole day and sleeps until lunch, so the kids work independently.
In the beginning, after their father's death, it was hard to not miss her absence but now, now they are used to it.
His sister, Ochisashī Emiko, is 14 years old and wants to be popular. She cares a lot about her hair and her skin, and she often mentions about starting a diet but in the end she gives up and eats normally. She also worries about her big brother's popularity, especially since he has only two friends, scratch that, two people that talk to him during lunch.
And Marunaki, a quiet and tired boy who only wants to sleep, doesn't care whether people like him or not and he just really enjoys reading. He doesn't need friends and he likes being alone, he spends his free time contemplating nature in silence or cooking sweet pastries. Marunaki wishes his life was different but he's not willing to change to be happier, so now he's living with a tired and serious face.

That is his story, that is the beginning of his life, the beginning of a better life, a better life with new people and a lot of smiles. This is the start of his love story.

"Maru, will you wake up already? You are going to be late to school!", the door opens and Marunaki's mother enters his room.
"Maru- oh, he's not here."

Marunaki is not an early riser, he hates mornings but he likes to be early for school so every morning he uses all of his energy to wake up and get to school before everyone else just so he can enjoy the silence for a little while and rest calmly before class starts.
"Oh! Ochisashī you're here already! Good morning!", the principal likes to wake up early just to greet the students before school.
Marunaki nods and continues walking, something he hates doing is small talk, he really doesn't like it. He's an awkward person so he can't stand talking to anyone for less than five minutes.

He passes the lockers and takes off his sneakers, he puts on his school shoes and walks towards the library, it's always warm in there.
"Good morning Marunaki", the librarian also knows him because he constantly stays in the library reading. She knows he doesn't like small talk and just hands him a new book to read while the time clicks.

Marunaki sits in his corner and reads the book he was given, he feels cozy and comfortable and it's so warm that he starts to fall asleep.
As usual, the librarian notices and looks for a blanket, she smiles and continues to work as he sleeps.

Marunaki's class this year is the same as the year before, his annoying classmates are the same as last year, they talk a lot to him in the beginning but they give up after awhile. So the lonely cycle continues throughout the years.

"Good morning class, i'm your teacher this year. Let's get along together!", the teacher smiles and the class, as usual, does not listen. "We have a new student! He's from America! He speaks and understands japanese perfectly so talk to him normally, Beaton you may come in!"

The door opens and the new student comes in, Marunaki isn't looking but he knows the new student is attractive because suddenly all the girls are sighing and giggling. Everyone is whispering and looking at the boy. Marunaki gives into his curiosity and looks up.

The boy looks messy. His uniform is not clean, even if it is his first day, his shoes are not clean either. (How did he manage to get them so dirty?) His hair is curly but in a 'i just woke up' way and he holds his bag, moving it side to side in a distracting manner.
"Hello, my name is Kyle Beaton but you can just call me Kyle. Let's get along this year.", he presents himself with a smile on his face  and he bows quickly.

Marunaki turns away and continues staring outside, disinterested in the class and their murmurs about the new kid. Kyle sits down next to the girls and class goes by normally.

Their first meeting is nothing special, after all, Marunaki is not interested in speaking to the new kid and Kyle is too occupied on being social and nice to everyone.

However, their second meeting is the one where it all begins.

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