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Marunaki does not have to wait long before Kyle texts him. In fact, he had already forgotten that he had given his number to the new kid. Now, he had to face the consequences.

Beaton Kyle: Hey! This is Kyle! Are you Maru?

Marunaki sighs. Honestly, what was he expecting? Of course Kyle would text him. (This is so stupid.)

Ochisashī Marunaki: Don't call me that.

Beaton Kyle: Oh my God, hi! I'm so glad you gave me your number! Look, this is the guy I told you about!

Beaton Kyle: [ image attachment ]

Marunaki rolls his eyes. (I do not look like that at all.)

Ochisashī Marunaki: I don't look like that.

Beaton Kyle: What?! You look exactly like him!! You're both beautiful, you have blue eyes, you have curly black hair, you have a pretty smile, mmh well I haven't seen you smile yet but I bet you have a pretty smile!! Also you look serious, just like Akaashi!! And he plays volleyball!! I like volleyball too!! Do you like volleyball??

Maru ignores how his heart melts a little.
Ochisashī Marunaki: I don't like sports.

Beaton Kyle: Eh?? You don't like sports?? Mmh that's okay! Wait, how do you manage to stay so fit, then?? You don't like sports, so that means you don't do anything sports related, so how??

Ochisashī Marunaki: I'm not fit.

Beaton Kyle: What do you mean?? You are so, so fit Maru!! You're skinny and you're beautiful!! And you don't even do sports!!

Ochisashī Marunaki: Stop that.
Maru is not used to compliments.

Beaton Kyle: I'm serious. I've tried EVERYTHING. Right now i'm just sticking to volleyball 'cause I really like it and obviously because I like Haikyuu!! but I still need to stop eating once in a while 'cause you know.. I could not live without doing sports! I'd probably get all fat and wrinkly!! You're lucky Maru!!!

Marunaki is no longer fixated on how much he hates texting, he's actually concentrated on whatever Kyle texts. He texts a lot and he does it so fast too, just who is this kid?
Without even noticing, Marunaki rests a small smile on his face as he reads Kyle's texts.

Ochisashī Marunaki: Sports are overrated. If this is about losing weight then you should just do a diet.

Beaton Kyle: What?! But doing sport will keep me fit! And strong! And beautiful!

Marunaki shakes his head.
Ochisashī Marunaki: Sports won't help you with that. If you want to lose weight then you should do a diet. In most cases, if you want to lose weight, 20% is sports and 80% is food. A diet is what will keep you healthy.

Beaton Kyle: Are you serious?! How did I not know this?! This is VITAL information!! Why did no one tell me?! Ugh. Thank you Maru, you literally just saved my life!!

Ochisashī Marunaki: I don't know, it is pretty obvious information.

Ochisashī Marunaki: I did not save your life.

Beaton Kyle: You so did!! I bet that I would've never known about this if it wasn't from you!! You're so smart!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge Maru!!

Ochisashī Marunaki: Sure.

Beaton Kyle: :D (read)

It's been too long since anyone has texted Marunaki, so right now is it okay to feel nervous about it?
Even though he promised himself he would not get close to Kyle, now he stands overthinking that decision. Would it be so bad to get close to someone again? To someone like Kyle?
Marunaki is so scared. This feelings, this feeling that just wants to increase and get out of him is terrifyingly true.

Beaton Kyle: Hey, Maru! Would you maybe don't mind if, uh you know, if I talked to you in school? I know you said you don't like me and all but, but I really want to be your friend! Please, let's talk a bit and get to know each other!! I promise I won't do anything weird!! I mean, well I tend to do a lot of weird things so I really can't promise anything but please! Please, Maru? Please?

Marunaki's hands trembled as he typed his response. He's clueless and he hates not knowing things. He's so confused and scared.

Ochisashī Marunaki is typing...

Marunaki glares at the ceiling as he let's his phone fall on his bed. This one reply could change everything.
Ever since Kyle started talking to him, he get's this weird feeling wanting to be even closer to the new kid. And he's so scared.
Last time did not work out well, actually it went terribly. So who is to say this time it'll be alright? It could go even worse.

A few minutes pass before his phone vibrates beside him. He turns his head and his eyes widen a bit when he sees the text.

Beaton Kyle: I'm sorry if it came out weird, I didn't mean to freak you out. It's just that this is not my first time changing schools or actually changing countries, so i'm really nervous and I really want to make friends. I'm scared to be alone, ah I haven't told anyone about it. So yeah, i'm sorry if i'm pressuring you to answer. You don't have to say yes, sure i'm going to be sad a bit but i'll get over it! I think I will. Well! Feel free to text me whenever, you know i'm always here!

Marunaki glares at his phone, he grips his shirt and throws himself on his bed. (Should I answer?)

Ochisashī Marunaki: I don't mind if you talk to me in school.

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