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It's been a week since that and Kyle has made sure to talk to Marunaki every single day, every break, every time he sees him.
At first, Marunaki felt spooked, maybe even a bit creeped out. Kyle would run to him and grin that big smile of his, he would jump a bit and loudly greet him with that stupid nickname he chose.
And Marunaki would nod to him and continue doing what he was doing before Kyle interrupted.

But now that he's used to that greeting, he smiles a bit and says hi very, very quietly.
Kyle is about to explode from happiness.

Kyle moved from America to Japan because of his parents job. They both work in the same company, a company of modeling. It is very famous in America, so they were asked to go around the world to show their work and to work with different countries.
Kyle has not stayed in the same country for more than 2 years because of this, so making friends is really easy for him. What's hard is keeping them, after he leaves they all forget about him and he moves on. He finds new friends in that country and then he moves again, he forgets about those friends and makes new ones. That is how his life goes.
Kyle really loves his family but he wishes he could just stay in one country to live a peaceful life, not moving much and enjoying life to the fullest. Right now, Japan is where he wants to stay. Especially since this is his last year in school.

Japan has been really nice to Kyle and his family. It's clean, beautiful, kind and their food is delicious. Kyle is not disappointed.
Besides, he's an anime fan so this is really a dream. Meeting Maru is a dream too. Who would even dream about meeting your anime crush in real life? Kyle would never even think about it, well he did think about it but he didn't think it would actually happen!
He never wants to move again.

In Kyle's house everyone knows about this 'Maru', they know everything about him and they all approve of this boy. Kyle even asked his parents two times if he could come over one day. (Of course they said yes.)

Kyle's mother really wants to meet this boy who has made Kyle smile every single day. It's true that Kyle is naturally a very happy boy, even after all he's been through, he never gives up on being positive. Kyle is truly the sun.
But he's so lonely, he's alone a lot. He always smiles and insists that he's okay but he stands alone. He has many friends, he talks to everyone and everyone likes him but not enough to get close to him.
So he spends a lot of his time by himself, his older sisters spend all day studying or hanging out with their friends and his younger sister watches this terrible tv shows and is always around friends. His parents work all day long and they don't see him when they get home.
Kyle is alone in his family, so of course when he starts talking about his dear friend Maru with those sparkling blue eyes and that huge smile, they want to meet this special boy and thank him personally.

Maru is very special to Kyle.

"Maru~ hi.", after school everyone gets home quickly, nobody wastes their time saying goodbye because they're too tired. That is exactly what Marunaki thinks everyone is like, when really that's just him, so when Kyle greets him like this after school, he stands and frowns in question. (What does Kyle want now?)


"Hi!", Kyle smiles and his eyes close a little. "I was wondering... Woulditbeokayifyoucameovertomyhouseafterschooltoumyouknowmeetmyfamilyandumidon'tknowhavefunandandyesandeat-"

Maru's eyes widen and he instantly reaches his hands to touch Kyle's cheeks. "Please, slow down. Are you okay?"

Kyle stops breathing for a second and he looks down, he removes Maru's hands and feels his face warm up. "Ah, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. I justgotsonervousbecauseiwasn'tsureifyouwouldwantocometomyhouseandand-"

"Okay, let's calm down a little alright? Come on, let's sit over there.", Maru grabs Kyle's arm and guides him towards the bench.

Once they both sit down, Marunaki pats Kyle's back gently and urges him to go on.
Kyle still feels his whole body warm up from that slight touch. (Maru is dangerous.)

"Uh- um. Okay.", Kyle breathes. "Um, I was just wondering... If you would like.. to um, come over to my house?"
Maru frowns and Kyle panics immediately.

"Uh! It's okay if you don't want to! It's not something you're used to after all but I was thinking that maybe you wouldn't mind spending time with me in my house? I don't know, right now it seems a bit stupid to be honest and and, yeah i'm sorry. I don't know what came over me, I just kind of thought it would be a good idea because you know, my parents already know so much about you and and they told me they want to meet you and I told my mom that I would ask you today and-"

Marunaki's eyes widen and he tenses up. "Kyle!", he says loudly when the boy starts rambling. Thankfully, it shuts him up and Maru sighs once again. "It's okay, just stop talking so much. You didn't even let me answer-"

"Yeah, 'cause it's stupid, really! I honestly don't know what came over me-"

"Kyle, calm down.", Maru let's a small smile rest on his face. Kyle notices and his cheeks turn red, he turns his head away. "I would be really honored to meet your family, okay? Um, am I supposed to come over after school or..."

Kyle's face brightens and he jumps up. "Yeah, yeah! Uh, i'll call my mom! They were all waiting for me to answer them and tell them if you would come, i'm so excited!"
Kyle laughs out loud and without thinking he wraps his arms around the smaller boy and hugs him tightly.
"Let me text my mom and we'll get going!"

Maru blinks in surprise when Kyle let's go and walks away. His heart beats faster than ever and his neck and ears feel warmer now.
(What did I just get into?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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