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Marunaki sighs, it's another day of school and the only good hiding place nowadays is the boy's bathroom. The library is filled with nerds who speak too loud and the students stay in the classroom because it's cold outside so the classroom is a no-go.
The toilets are the only place where nobody goes, so Marunaki reads there and stays the whole break rubbing his hands because it really isn't warm there.

Suddenly the door opens and two boys come in speaking loudly.
"Hey, hey! Kyle, so what are you going to do about the confession?", some random boy says.

(Oh, a confession.)

"Eh, i don't know, i don't really care about that stuff", huh, that's the new guy?

Marunaki stays silent and even though he convinces himself that he's not prying, he gets closer to the door to listen.

"Huh? Why not? A confession is a confession! How can you not care about it? Besides that girl is super cute!"

Marunaki rolls his eyes, it's so stupid to think that way.

"Mmh, i'm just not interested in that stuff, also sure she's cute but i don't know her at all, i don't want to date her."


"What? But, dude. You date her and you get to know her! It's so easy!"

"But what if i don't like her? I'm not going to do that to her."

"Geez, you sure are weird. Anyway, let's go back. The guys are waiting for us."

"I'm going to the bathroom, i'll catch up later."

"Sure, see you!"

(The new kid sure is interesting.)

Marunaki sighs quietly and gets back to his reading.

"Hey, is there anyone here?"

(Or not.)

Marunaki stays quiet, he stops moving and breathes. He's surprised.

"I know there's someone else here, i just want to see who you are."

Marunaki sighs and stands up, he opens the door and gives the new kid a look. "What do you want?"

"Oh my God.", the new kid stares at him and gapes. Marunaki cringes when the new kid checks him out, he's a bit creeped out.

"What?", he says a bit irritated.

"You're- Ah, you're just like Akaashi!", he exclaims and his eyes shine. He moves carefully close to Marunaki.
Marunaki steps back with a grunt.


"Yeah! You know, from Haikyuu!! He's so perfect i never thought i'd see someone that looks so much like him! I thought that maybe i'd find someone like Kageyama or maybe Ennoshita but Akaashi! Ah, this is so perfect. My life is perfect right now-"

"Woah, slow down. I don't care about that and please stop getting close to me. It's uncomfortable."

Marunaki pushes the new kid and stands straight. He glares at the boy suspiciously and crosses his arms.

"Ah, sorry!", he puts his hand under his head and smiles sheepishly. "I tend to do that a lot, I don't have a sense of personal space it seems, i'm just really excited to meet you! My name is Kyle Beaton but please call me Kyle!-"

"Just stop it, please. I don't care, i'm really not interested in meeting you so please don't talk to me-"

"But- but please! I just want to be friends! Come on pretty boy, at least tell me your name!"

"P-pretty boy? Please leave me alone.", Marunaki puts his arms around himself and takes his book, he tries to step forward but Kyle stands in front of him.

"Please, just tell me your name.", Kyle is at least a head taller than Marunaki, so his eyes look down to him and Marunaki feels even smaller now.

"...Ochisashī Marunaki."

(This, this kid. Kyle. What is wrong with him, is he... like that guy? I-I should get away from him, I can't let that happen again, if, if it happens, if he realizes- I can't let that happen, I can't. I need to get away from him, he's, he's dangerous-)

"Marunaki, eh? That's a cute name, can I make a nickname for you? I really love nicknames, and your name is super cute too!"

"Mmh, what about Maru~? That's a cute nickname for a cute boy, don't you think?", Kyle smiles once again.

Marunaki gulps and takes a step back. (What is wrong with this guy?) "Please just stay away from me, I don't want to do anything with you."

Kyle pouts but smiles once again. "It's okay, I don't bite. I'm just super excited to be here and, and I can't wait to meet everyone!"

Marunaki stands and sighs, he holds his book close to him and steps forward with false confidence. "I don't like you, please don't talk to me ever again. Also good luck meeting everyone.", and with that he walks away leaving the new kid in a state of utter shock.

Marunaki closes the door behind him and he breathes deeply. He hasn't spoken to anyone like that for a long time. Socializing is useless when it comes to Marunaki, he really hates extroverts.

"...eh~ So he looks like Akaashi but acts like Kenma, that's super cute. I can't wait to see you again, Maru~"

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