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Finally the nerd season ends and the warm library is free of people, well mostly free. There are still some students who, like Marunaki, tend to stay in the quiet room with a book in hand. So it is expected to see at least three or four people in the library, and one of them is Marunaki, who sits in his corner like usual. He's the most respectful student in the library, known to all librarians for his responsibility and silence. Really he's a rol model inside the library.

Today most students decided to have a fun game outside, some play soccer while others play volleyball, but here sat Marunaki, with a book in hand and an apple for snack. It was to be expected though because Marunaki really despises sports, especially if they need to be outside under the sun. So here was Marunaki, reading a manga about romance and trying his best not to fall asleep right then and there.
The library was exceptionally quiet and comfortable, the sun reflected it's rays through the window and if you sat there long enough you would feel the warmth of the sunlight.
This was Marunaki's safe place, his spot was perfectly cozy. Slowly his eyes started closing, his breathing relaxed and his head rested on the wall beside him. The book fell on the floor making a small sound, but this was not enough to wake Marunaki.
The apple, half eaten, also fell on the floor. Marunaki was completely asleep.

A few minutes passed before Marunaki's eyes opened once again, and as he opened his eyes, the sun had already moved and it's rays sat reflecting on the figure before him.

Marunaki sat and looked around, his book was gone and so was his apple. (Huh?)

"Ah, you're awake! How'd you sleep? You seemed really comfortable so I really didn't want to wake you, besides you looked super cute! Oh, also I ate your apple, it was getting brown and I didn't want it to go to waste. You don't seem like the type of person to eat a brownish apple-", the boy let out a laugh. "Ah! And I found the manga you're reading! I really, really, really love this manga. I love the story and the setting and the characters and the plot and, and it's just so sweet! I love the ending too! Have you read the second volume yet? It's even better! It's so perfect! I don't want to spoil you the ending but ah~ I just really want to tell you!"

Marunaki frowns, he does not need to ask any questions. (This boy sure rambles a lot.)
He messes with his hair, to try and make it look more natural and wipes his mouth just in case he drooled. He grips his knuckles and sighs, he still feels sleepy.

"Hey, Maru-"

"Don't call me that.", his voice comes out raspy and sleepy.

Kyle laughs a bit. "Sure thing! So, Maru, can I get your number? Or your email? Or anything? I don't care what you have, I need it. It's just, well. I know you said that you don't like me and all but, but I really want to get to know you! I really, really want to be your friend! You seem like such a nice person! And I already told my parents about you and they want to meet you! So please, please give me your contact info! Please Maru~ Please, please-"

"Ugh, please shut up. My head hurts from you talking so much. Don't you ever stop talking?"

Kyle smiles. "A lot of people have said that to me! And to answer your question, no, I don't stop talking! Well, except when i'm sad or angry. I don't really like talking when I feel bad, I would rather just sit quietly and think and, and yeah. Oh! And I don't talk when I need to pay attention! It's so weird-"

"Please shut up. I swear- What will it take for you to leave me alone? I already told you that I don't want to have anything to do with you. I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to see you-"

"But Maru! Please! I really, really want to get to know you! I really, really, really, really, really-"

"Okay, okay. Just shut up for a second, I can't think like this. Ugh, my head hurts so much."

"Eh, I have something for headaches! Would you want-"

"No, no. I don't want anything from you. Just, ugh. Just take this. It's my number. Now please shut up and give me back my book."

"Huh? Oh, ah yeah. Eh, sure. Um here-", Marunaki takes hold of the book and stands up with another sigh.

"Please don't text me and don't talk to me."

And with that Marunaki leaves his so comfortable spot with Kyle, the blond, messy, loud, boy.

He gets out of the library but even out there he can hear the scream.


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