Chapter 1: New World

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 Zane Martin is in the middle of his lunch break at school in Japan. As is common he is looking at one member of his class who is also eating lunch. Namely, Shizuku Yaegashi. He has had a crush on her since he moved to Japan at the beginning of the school year. Despite this he has never managed to get up the courage to even talk to her.

As Zane is staring at Shizuku, all of a sudden a bright light appears out of nowhere. All of a sudden, Zane finds himself on the ground in a cathedral. He looks around to find that all of his classmates are also there as well as his social studies teacher. All of the students appear to be just as confused by what just happened as he is.

This confusion is soon alleviated to some extent when a man with a long white beard, who is wearing a robe walks towards the group. This man says to the group that just appeared, "Welcome to the world of Tortus. I am Pope Ishtar Langbard, the leader of the Holy Church. I am sure that you have a number of questions right now, so please allow me to explain."

Before the bearded man gets the chance to say anything else, Daisuke Hiyama, one of Zane's classmates asks, "What is going on here?"

"I was just about to explain," the Pope says in a slightly irritated voice. He then states, "First off I should inform you that you have all been summoned to the world of Tortus from your world, by the will of the great god Ehit. In its infinity kindness, Ehit has summoned you to our world to aid us in our war against the demons. You have all been summoned to be heroes to save humanity here in Tortus."

After the Pope has said all of this there are a number of outbursts from the students that are in the cathedral. Zane does not say anything mostly out of shock. However, he is in agreement with a number of his fellow students about how strange all of this is.

While the students are still protesting all of this the Pope then declares, "I am sorry that we have pulled you into our affairs. However, this is the only way that we will be able to survive our war with the demons. Now that you are here, you should also know that the only way you can get back to your world is by helping us defeat the threat of demons in this world."

After saying this the Pope states, "Please, I beg you all for your assistance in this matter. Without your help our world is doomed to destruction at the hands of the demons."

Immediately following this plea from the Pope, Kouki Amanogawa, another classmate of Zane, says, "It would be wrong of us to leave you without any help. If you summoned us to help then that is what I will do. I cannot speak for the rest of the class though."

At this point some of the other members of the class also begin to join in. Eventually over half of the class has agreed to help the people of the Tortus in the war against the demons. As Shizuku is one of the students that agrees to help, Zane also agrees to help the people.

In the end the entire class of thirty students has agreed to help the Pope and the Holy Church in their war against the demons. At this point, Mrs. Aiko Hatayama, the social studies teacher of the class states, "It is very dangerous for you to be agreeing to something like that. However, if that is what you have decided then I will have to come along to watch over you."

Once this has been said, the Pope then further explains the situation to the students. Zane only half listens to what is being said. What he does pick up is that they are currently in the Heiligh Kingdom. This Kingdom is one of the main strongholds of humanity in the world of Tortus. The main religion in this Kingdom is the Holy Church that worships a god named Ehit.

Zane also manages to pick up that all of those that have been summoned have been granted something called a job, that will give them additional powers. Along with this job, the students also received some skills. The students are also informed that the following day they will be given artifacts as well as begin being trained so that they will be completely prepared to help fight in the war.

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