Chapter 46: Return of Douglas

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As Zane nears the mouth of Anthorth Passage, he hears one of the soldiers commenting on how ingenious of a plan Commander Von Mcdale came up with. Based on what Zane is hearing, it seems that the commander has taken all of the credit for Zane's idea of dropping the boulder down into the passage.

While it does annoy Zane a little to hear that he is not getting any credit for the plan that he came up with, he doesn't care all that much. For this reason, he keeps his mouth shut and joins the others that are standing at the mouth of the passage.

When he sees Zane coming that way Commander Von Mcdale comes up to him and says, "Well done with dropping that boulder. I knew that I picked the right man for the job. I am going to include a mention of how well you did in my proof of completion of your job."

"Does that mean that I am done helping out here?" Zane asks.

Commander Von Mcdale replies, "That is right." He then loudly announces, "Now then everyone, we are officially done with our work here. I will leave a team of men to watch the passage. I doubt any demons will be getting through here though. The rest of us are headed to the capital to report everything to His Majesty. As for the adventurers, you are free to go."

At this point, Zane is handed a letter that is the proof of his completion of the job. A similar letter is given to Abel as well as the other adventurers that were hired for the job that are still alive. With this now in hand, Zane is no longer employed by the Kingdom to help in the war.

Zane figures that the adventurers are all going to head back to Solomon Town now. For this reason, he walks over to Abel. He then says, "So I guess that we are heading back to Solomon Town now."

"You can if you want. I am going to the capital though," Abel states. The other adventurers share their intent to head back to the capital as well. This means that Zane is the only one that will be going to Solomon Town.

At this point Abel says, "You know you can come with us to the capital if you want. I am sure that a ton of people there are interested in meeting the legendary Bringer of Miracles."

"I think I will pass," Zane replies. He has no intention of going to the capital for now as the person who sent him away to die right after he got to Tortus likely lives in the capital.

"Well that is too bad," Abel says. He then states, "I look forward to our next meeting anyway. You have been a real asset to me, the Legendary Bladelord. Good luck heading back to Solomon."

Once he has exchanged these words with Abel, Zane then heads away from the group. All of them are planning on camping near the passage and heading out when the first light of the next day comes. Zane does not really see much reason to do that though. He will easily make it to Solomon Town before it gets dark by using a gate.

With this plan in mind, Zane walks a little ways away from the group. Once he is far enough away that the others cannot see him clearly, Zane then opens a gate and goes through it. This takes him to the very edge of Solomon Town. Once he is there, Zane walks into the town.

Zane finds that the streets of Solomon Town are largely empty as he is traveling to the Adventurer's Guild. This is a little odd to him, since he had assumed that Solomon Town was a rather busy town, being a common trade point for the Kingdom with the Dukedom.

Upon getting to the Adventurer's Guild, Zane sees that there is a well dressed man with five associates in the hall. Three of these people are women while the other two are well dressed men. At first Zane does not recognize these people. However, before long he realizes they are Mr. Douglas and his five companions.

Mr. Douglas is busy having what appears to be an argument with the branch chief. Zane ignores this and makes his way to the counter. When he has reached the counter Zane hands his proof of completion of the last job to the woman behind the counter. She takes it.

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