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An: *means Korean, Japanese, Thai or English other than that rest is Chinese
Tong Yao's POV:
I was finishing a company meeting when Jin Yang texted me saying "Yao Yao , I broke up with ai jai again" I sighed thinking that was the 6th time but responded" why now what happened?" She said " I got jobs overseas and I didn't tell home so he was worried so I just broke it off. Anyway how is the company going amora or should I say smiling or should I say Cheng Xiao Wang." My response was " Chen Jin yang stop it the company is good also I got a text from Ming ge, cheng ge and rui xiao that they are offering a spot to be a mod on their team zgdx. I know why my cousin Ming ge and bf cheng ge was offering but rui xiao I don't think he knows I know two people on the team already. I accepted so can you take my spot a acting CEO please I'll pay you well."( oh yeah I forgot to mention Ming ge aka zgdx current mid is my cousin and Lu si cheng aka chessman aka the captain is my crush of 3 months and I'm the ceo of a well known hospital and gaming company and known as cheng xiao wang and I'm also a very very famous model named amora. I also game myself and known as smiling one of the top players but I'm unknown to people cause they don't know I'm a girl or if I'm a boy. But my name is tong Yao.) Jin Yang responded" yea sure also have fun with your boyfriend 😉😉😉." " Chen jin Yang stop it alright see you later I just got challenged." When I finished the game I won with some help of my teammates.
Time skip to the end of the spring playoffs
When I went out of where the opl game was standing my crush was standing there and pulled me to the side and hugged me. I asked him what he was doing and he said hugging you and want you to meet your new teammates. I responded"I will drive my own car cheng ge and meet you there okay?" He said " fine but be safe and bring Lu yue with you" I said" I'll bring Lu yue the night I lose a skirmish with you guys." He huffed and said fine.

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