Hand in hand

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When we were on my private jet everyone excluding Ming ge asked where we were. I said " we were getting some things. Any more questions good now relax and order food if you like. Cheng ge can you follow me pls."he said yes. I asked if he can ask k if he likes me. He did and k did he did so I said " ha ok. K can you pls come here you're dismissed cheng ah." K said " ok. What do you need?" I said " k would you go on a date with me? " he said " y-yes sure." I said " ok the day after we land and the week after we come back ok." He said while blushing ok.
Timeskip to when they reach the hotel in Maryland
Everyone was so surprised because this is one of my hotels and it is a ten star hotel with a ten star restaurant. I said "we'll be going to the 56-57 floor .  56 floor has 5 penthouses so mr.  And mrs.Lu you'll be in the last one at the end of the hall to your left , Lao mao you be in the one next to mr and mrs Lu, rui ge you will be in the room next to Lao mao, little fatty you'll be in the one next to the elevator next to rui ge and cheng ge you'll be the very first on the right. Lao k, Ming ge and ai jai and Jin Yang you'll come with me . Oh rui ge, cheng ge, little fatty, Lao mao, and mr and mrs Lu here are your all pass cards will lasts for 20 years then renew and everything will be free. Ming ge you'll be in the first one on the left, Jin's Yang and ai jai since you're together last on one the left, Lao k first on the right and I'll be right in the middle also here are your guys all pass card you can go anywhere in the hotel since it's mine it also has a swimming pool, restaurants that are 10 stars, a theme park or gaming center."I went back and entered rui ge, cheng ge, little fatty, Lao mao, and mr and mrs Lu penthouse one by one to see their reaction.

An:reactions next chapter this is all for now TBC

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