Date day

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When we got to level M3. K started asking where we're going and I just took him to one of my favorite dating places. Senia, it's originally a restaurant in Hawaii but I payed them to move here and their food is soooo good. When we got there K said " woah this is so expensive, are you sure you can afford it." I just chuckled and nodded. Lao K ordered the Kusshi Oysters with Nilgiri Iced Tea and I ordered Kalua Pork & Cabbage Croquettes with Yuzu Sour since my alcohol tolerance is very high and this is like drinking water. When the food arrived and Lao K started eating he was so surprised because it was good.

Smiling " is it good or do you hate it? I hope you like it I wanted to take you to my favorite Hawaiian 🌺 food place to eat."

K " Good it's delicious I want it like every other day it's so good thanks for bringing me here also . Can I take you somewhere after this?"

Smiling " Sure but do we need to fly because I need to be at my college at 6:00 tonight and it's already 2:00 ."

K " No it's just across the street. "
I told him we can go after we finished. A little while later we went to the shop across Etiqueta Frescas ( I don't know any hotel names in Maryland so these shops and hotels don't exist except some shops might exist)which is the name of the hotel which means fresh etiquette. Then we went to forever 21 and since it was my favorite store to get the newest trends on clothes I bought mostly skirts and crop tops.

TBC : date continued next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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