Day 1

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Tong Yao pov:
When I arrived at ZGDX base I knocked on the door and someone yelled" cheng ge can you get the door it's probably my takeout. If I stop I'll lose and get demoted." Cheng ah responded fine. When he opened the door he was surprised to see my car and my luggage and food but he took the food and slammed the door in my face. So I posted people say when one door closes another one opens but unless ZGDX has a back door I'm screwed on day one.

Lu SiCheng POV:
When I saw the post I thought oh shit that was tong Yao I forgot her car was really expensive and she was pretty. I also forgot how witty and clever she is. I opened the door and lead her to the living room and asked her to delete the post and she said no we went like this three time before we introduced everyone.
Tong Yao pOV:
When I entered I noticed a guy that looked like the jungle and he was sooo cute. So before they started I already said I know two people well techno three people here from childhood they asked me who I said " brother cheng we're childhood friends and best friends, Ming god because we're cousins and we taught each other and Lu yue the former substitute mid who because of an incident is not here playing but at one of my many penthouses." Then I whispered to Cheng ah who the person that looked like the jungle was and he told me I was Lao K.  They were surprised that I knew people on the team so they only introduce Rui Xiao, Lao Mao , Lao k and little fatty. They sent me to my room and I just chuckled. I went back downstairs and back hugged cheng ge and he said " oh why are you back hugging me" I just said " thanks for giving me the best room in the house." When everyone else heard that they were like what brother cheng why do you give tong Yao the best room why not one of us. He just said " because I know her longer and she founded ZGDX so she's basically working for herself and my mom." Little fatty said " what do you mean she basically founded ZGDX ." Cheng ge looked at me and silently asked if he could tell. I shook my head and he  said " well that's not my secret to tell." I responded " Well I'm going to sleep now bye." The team said " have a good nap and welcome to team ZGDX."

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