Begginers luck

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When I went to the penthouse I set up for rui ge he was still looking around. I asked him" what do you think of it? Does it fit your taste." He said yes it's like the downstairs and part of upstairs of ZGDX base. I said " well I wanted you to feel at home so I made like that. Now gotta go check on the others." He said ok. When I went to  little fatty's penthouse he was already putting his clothes away and looking for food. I asked him what he was doing and he said looking for food I said " just use the card I gave you there is like a mall downstairs for food and one for shopping ." He said " oh wait really wow ok bye" I just chuckled and went to Lao mao's penthouse. He was already unpacked and getting to the work out gear. When he saw me he said hi. I said " you can just use your card go to the elevator and press the button g1." He said " oh thank you " I just said no problem. When I went to Cheng ge he was at the door waiting for me. I asked him how he like it and he said I loved it thank you for suiting it to my taste and kissed me on the cheek. I said "tell everyone to meet me on level m2 and m1,m2,m4,m5 and g1,p1 is for everyone because m1 is a mall for restaurants, m2 is a mall for both genders,m4 is for girls only because it has things such as spa girl pool etc, m5 is for boys only cause that has things only boys and some girls like. G1 is for boys and girls because that is a whole mall with different gyms. P1 is a whole pool and jacuzzi. But no one unless there with me are allowed on m3 cause that's private and for me and whoever I bring with me only unless I specially have your card access you can only access m3 with me. Please tell them ok?" He said ok. When I went to mr and mrs Lu's room they were thanking me and I told them to meet me on m2 afterwards. They said ok . I went to my cousins Ming-ge room and he was looking at me with tears because it had things in there that would make it possible for him to come back to esports. He also got the text so he said he's going now. I went to ai jai and Jin Yang room and they were like thanks and we'll be going to m2 rn so see you soon. Then I finally went to Lao k's room and he asked why it was right next to mine and I said because by soon to be boyfriends room should be and he blushed and we walked to the elevator and went to m2 and when we did everyone was waiting for us.

Tong Yao" So M3 is a place where couples or family and friends go to so that being said cousins Ming, Lao K, Ai Jai and mr. And mrs. Lu you have access to it. The others unless you come with me can't access ok?"
They said ok.

Tong Yao "Now that that's settled since it's almost night already let's go bed also ming ge and k can you come with me?" They said sure I said " ming and you tell them tomorrow me and k will be on M3 if they need us because we'll be there for a date. And don't give me that surprised look ming you already knew but don't tell them it's a date tell them we're buying gifts." He said fine and said to k treat my cousin right.

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