Chapter 8 : Ahsoka

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The Duchess was in deep discussion with her friend Senator Padmé Amidala about the difficulty of maintaining Mandalore's neutrality in the conflict between the republic and the separatists; all the planets of the neutral system were suffering because of a war they did not want. Her comlink suddenly flashed.

Obi-Wan's panicked face appeared as soon as she accepted the communication. He was usually so calm and composed; that she instantly understood that there was an emergency. She didn't give him time to speak.

"Where's Phoenix?"

"Satine, I don't have time to explain, you must come to the Temple as soon as possible. »

He cut off the call before she could ask any more questions. A feeling of panic gripped the teenager's mother as she rushed to the door of her friend's apartment.

Padmé caught her by the arm

"I'm coming with you, I know the temple well and I have a speeder that will get us there faster than your massive embassy vehicle; the traffic is very dense around the temple at this hour!". The blonde looked at her friend and nodded as they both rushed to the garage.

The very moment Phoenix released her power, Ahsoka felt it.

She left her meditation posture without caring about her master, and ran off to the Council Chamber. Something was happening, the Force was calling her and if she did not intervene, the outcome would be dramatic.

She stormed into the room with Anakin hot on her heels. The two were left speechless at the sight unfolding before their eyes.

Mace Windu was suspended in the air like a puppet apparently under the power of a young girl with fire-colored hair. Ahsoka seeing her felt a sense of fulfillment; she knew that this familiar energy she had felt before was coming from the unknown girl. The girl apparently noticed Ahsoka's presence even though her back was turned, as a warm feeling grew in her heart as a voice spoke in her mind "Finally we found each other!"

The togruta answered with her mind

" Who are you ? Why do I feel like I know you when I've never met you? »

"It's a long story. I came all the way here to meet you; Let me finish off this arrogant and I'll tell you everything. »

Ahsoka cast an alarmed glance at the Jedi who was in the air. She didn't particularly like Mace Windu because she thought he was too rigid; that he lacked flexibility sometimes (most of the time) but he didn't deserve death.

"Wait... you're not going to kill him?"

"I'm not a murderer Ahsoka. I just wanted to teach him a good lesson. But since you seem to be worried about him and I feel he's not that bad; but just misguided by the training he received, I'm going to release him."

The padawan sighed in relief; she had avoided a tragedy. But as the girl undid her grip on Windu and put him back on the ground, Anakin decided to attack by charging Phoenix with his light saber .

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan both shouted at the same time "NO!"

Phoenix just turned her head in his direction and he found himself suspended in the air, his lightsaber in attack stance but unable to move.

This time, Phenix spoke directly to him:

"I know who you are Anakin Skywalker! You were supposed to bring back the balance but because of your impulsiveness and your fears you will do the opposite. We're not supposed to be opponents but if you come after me; I give you a friendly advice...don't do it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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