New Place.

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Bendy rolled over. Everything hurt so bad.

Like he had been stabbed over and over again before being thrown in a fire. Someone was talking but he couldn't tell what they were saying.

It was most likely dog boy or Malice angel 2.0. Probably both. He flicked his tail in annoyance. Those idiots had probably done this to him.

When something poked him, he lashed out and grabbed it. Hard. The thing made a satisfying crack sound before he let go. Malice 2.0. Said something and the dog replied. Most likely agreeing to whatever dumb thing she had said.

Bendy growled his tail whipping back and forth. Why couldn't he understand them? He took in a deep breath, pushing away his pain and the desire to yell at himself or kill something and tried to focus on what the Malice and dog boy were saying. "-nk he's ok." A man replied. "You're a miracle worker Linda, he was so beat up I..."

He tuned them out as cold realisation ripped into him. That wasn't Malice 2.0. or dog boy, Sammy, or Original angel or anyone who had worked in Joey's studio that he knew of.

That was...Henry. Bendy immediately dug his claws into the carpet.

Henry, the guy who couldn't die no matter how many times you killed him, the guy wanted to kill him, and worst of all, the new guy who was going to force him to perform.

Henry said something to this Linda person, and Bendy then heard the door open and shut.

Bendy shivered and squirmed as Henry picked him up although his hands were warm.

He wasn't going through this hell. Not again. When Henry was least expecting it, he would slip out of the holding chambers, kill him and get back to the hellish studio he called home, where he was the king. But for now, he would just have to lay it low.

A doorknob clicked as Henry brought him into a room. He kept his eyes shut tight trying to project the idea he was asleep. Not awake at all. This plan was all good and well until he put him down.

Normally Bendy would have relaxed at the fact those monsters were no longer touching him, but this time was different.

He had been placed down on an operating table.

Bendy's eyes shot open as he propelled himself off the table and onto the floor. That idiot was about to cut him open Boris style and he wasn't going to have it.

As his boots hit the ground, he realized he was smaller than he remembered. Normally he towered a few feet over Henry but now he was barely taller than the strange table.

Pushing his thoughts of height aside he dashed out of the room with Henry hot on his tail. Bendy turned a corner and dashed down the stairs, skipping the last four of them.

He was going to make it out.

Henry shouted at him from the top of the stairs. "Calm down Bendy! I'm not going to hurt you. Promise."

Bendy ran faster.

Running hurt, but if Henry ever got a hold of him, he knew it would hurt more. Bendy grabbed the trim of a doorway and used it to swing himself into the closet.

The cartoon's heart pounded as he grabbed the doorknob and locked it, praying he did it properly.

His heart pounded so fast he couldn't count how many beats it made as he sat in the small closet. After what seemed like forever, he decided that maybe he hadn't seen him come in the closet.

Maybe he was safe.

Well, he thought that until a sound smashed the tense silence. Rap, rap, rap. Bendy froze; Henry was knocking on the door.

He stopped breathing as pure terror leaked through him. Rap, rap, rap. He was going to kill him. Rapity, rap, rap.

Suddenly the door swung open. Bendy made a small pitiful whimper as his pie-cut eyes adjusted to the light from the hall. He froze for a moment staring at Henry, almost accepting his fate. Almost.

As Henry reached for him, he ducked under their hands and rushed into the hall, looking for a way out.

Then he saw it, a window slightly open, just wide enough for him to slip through.

He started pulling himself up but halfway through he realized he no longer had his bowtie. Bendy normally didn't like to hold on to objects for longer than needed, but he loved that bowtie and wasn't about to leave without it.

He growled. Great, now he was gonna have to go back to get it.

Bendy stiffened as Henry approached the bowtie in his hand. He was probably going to make him trade for it.

Oddly though, he just held it out to Bendy. "Here, you dropped this."

Bendy took one step and then another towards Henry, still cautious about the man. When he grabbed it without anything happening to him, he calmed down a little bit.

Henry actually seemed pretty decent. "T-thanks."

Maybe he could stay for a little longer.

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