Demons and Pancakes.

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Henry sighed in relief. Bendy seemed to have calmed down. Mostly anyway.

"S-so what happened? Where are we?" He glanced around like a child clutching the bowtie like a stuffed animal. Unsure and confused. Nothing like the ink demon at all.

"Well, right now we're at my house, and what happened.... That's just a story for another time, okay?" Bendy looked ashamed when Henry said that, making Henry feel guilty as well.

"It's 'cause of me, isn't it? You don't want me to feel guilty for hurting you! For killing you even!" Ink started dripping off Bendy in a steady stream.

"Well, I should! I should feel guilty, but I can't! I can't feel anything! I'm a soulless monster!" Thick ink was pooling around Bendy's boots, but he had a grin on his face.

"Ya shoulda just killed me when ya got the chance Henry. What if I kill y-" Bendy blinked.

Henry had thrown his arms around him and was suffocating him a hug.

"You won't." Henry stood up again after Bendy had mostly calmed down, despite Bendy wanting to be held a little longer. He rubbed the small demon's horns.

"C'mon I'll show you around. And after that I'll make you something to eat." Bendy mumbled something but followed close behind him.

After a tour of Henry's house, Bendy sat on a chair in Henry's kitchen with his tail swinging side to side. He seemed slightly uncomfortable with the table and Henry couldn't blame him for that.

The only one he had even seen before that being the one his best friend was cut open on. Henry flipped the pancake skillfully, landing it on a plate nearby.

After a few more flips he headed over to the table two plates in hand. The plates made a Clicking sound as they hit the table.

Bendy poked at the food curiously. "'The heck is this?"

Henry chuckled sitting across from him. "It's called a pancake; you're supposed to eat it."

Bendy just tilted his head sideways "But it's so circley and there's weird goo on top." He scoffed. "You seriously eat this stuff?"

Henry was starting to get slightly concerned. What had Joey been feeding Bendy?

The demon took a small bite of pancake and his whole face lit up. He grinned and took another bite, his gloves getting sticky with syrup.

Henry laughed. "Here let me cut that for you." Bendy batted his hand away. "You already have your own. Mine's good as is."

"Okay, suit yourself." But Bendy was no longer tearing his pancake to shreds; he was staring at Henry's bandaged hand. "I did that, didn't I?"

Henry clutched his hand. Bendy already thought lowly of himself; he didn't want him to see it. "It's nothing."

Bendy snapped at him. "I know I did that Henry. So. Stop. Lying."

Bendy picked up his pancakes and angrily stuffed them into his mouth before hopping off his chair and storming off. Henry sighed, put their plates in the sink and went off to find Bendy.

Henry was just about to check the closet when he heard shuffling in his room. He opened the door. "Bendy?"

A moment passed before he heard a muffled. "What do ya want?"

Henry took a place next to the demon lying face down on the carpet.

"You do know you're getting ink all over the floor, right?" Bendy sat bolt upright. "Sorry- I'm Sorry!"

Henry smiled, wiping the ink from Bendy's face. "It's okay, you didn't mean too."

"No, it's not okay!" Bendy whined. "I'm so dumb I don't think about what i'm doing and it hurts you or ruins your things!"

Henry pulled Bendy closer to him. "Maybe it isn't," Bendy huffed. "No, it's not. It's stupid."

"Just hear me out, ok? Remember when we were in the studio?"

Bendy visibly tensed when Henry said that but didn't say anything.

"Well in the studio, you saved me quite a bit. Most likely without even thinking about what you were doing. Like that one-time Sammy tried to sacrifice me, and that one time with the projectionist."

Bendy glared at the floor. "But I still killed people. I still killed you. And I didn't do it for a 'good reason' either."

"Well even if you did the right thing for the wrong reason, you still did a good thing."

Bendy sighed. "I s'pose. It's just...I wish I actually did the right thing for the right reason. Guess that's kinda impossible for a demon though, huh Henry?"

"Your name is Henry, right? Or was Original Angel just calling you weird stuff? And 'I know why you're here' What was she talking about?" The demon quickly blurted.

Henry stiffened. He didn't want Bendy to know who he was. Not yet anyway.

For now, he just wanted to be some joe-smoe who used to work in the studio. Not the creator or the betrayer.

"Let's just get some sleep, it's getting pretty late." "Ok!"

The demon paused, feeling stupid. "What's sleeping Henry?!" 

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