Knock on the Door.

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Alison knocked on the door. Then she knocked again. "You sure this is the right place, Tom? No one's answering." Tom nodded. She knocked a third time.

"Has no one ever told you that sometimes people aren't home?" Sammy scoffed. Tom elbowed him. "Ow! No need to be harsh. I'm fragile, you know."

A flicker of movement in the window caught her eye. A child judging by its size.

Alison smiled. "No. Someone is definitely home." The door opened a crack. "Whaddya want?" "Is this Henry's house?"

Sammy laughed. "If they let us in, Alice, I'll eat my overalls."

The voice paused. ""

Resisting the urge to scream at the music director she said, "You know Sammy? That's great, now let us in, we need to talk to Henry."

"Uhm...No. I'm not letting you in." Tom was about to force the door when another voice piped in. "Who's at the door?" Henry's voice.

Before they could answer, Sammy started shouting at the top of his lungs. "Hey, Henry, open your door! Don't you know how rude it is to keep people waiting?"

The door swung open, and Henry ushered us inside. Sammy shrugged out of the chord Tom had tied him in and asked Henry where his shower was and rushed off.

The child from earlier was nowhere to be seen though as they sat down at his table.

"Are you ok? What happened?" "We're fine Henry." She assured him. "You must have done it then huh?"

Henry looked uncomfortable when she said that, but she continued anyway.

"You wouldn't believe how long it took us to get to you! First, we had to get you address from Mr. Drew, Then we got kicked out of multiple buses because Lawrence was getting ink all over the seats, and when we were walking here, we had to convince several police officers we weren't starting a cult while Lawrence was screaming 'Yeah, we are and there isn't anything you can do about it!'. Ugh! Can you believe him?"

Henry glanced up the stairs. "So... He's back to his old self then?"

Alision nodded. "That's the strangest part of this. Everyone got their memories back but not everyone came back."

"That's because if your heart isn't intact, you can't be fixed." Sammy walked down the stairs wearing one of Henry's white button up shirts and black pants, his spiky blond hair uncombed, looking nothing like the inky overall wearing man he had been before.

Tom growled as he sat down at the table, but he seemed unbothered. "So, what are you girls gossiping about?" Alision stayed quiet but Henry answered. "The studio." "Huh. Thought that was old news by now."

Sammy grinned. "Guess I should apologize for trying to sacrifice you Henry, but then again, you did kill me. It's crazy how long that loop was going. Just more than one seems like a long time to do the same thing over and over again."

Alison was about to ask what they were talking about when Sammy got tackled to the ground.

The tackler was the ink demon who now was on his chest grinning like crazy. Only, the ink demon was much smaller now and no ink obscured its face.

Its tail whipped back and forth excitedly. The music director was shocked. "Wow...You're a lot smaller and not as scary as I remember." Bendy's smile widened. "Yup! You too!"

The demon yelped as Tom grabbed him by his scruff and pinned him against the wall, his ax hovering over one of the ink creature's cheeks.

Henry jumped up but Alison held him and Sammy back. "Are you both insane?! That thing killed all of us and wouldn't hesitate to do it again!"

Henry tried to break her hold. "Bendy's sorry. Let him go." Alice sighed. "Look Henry, Bendy is a being with no soul, so he would have no feelings and feel no regret for killing anyone."

"Bendy saw them and his natural instinct was to kill them. Because Bendy is literally heartless, his natural instinct is to kill things, like a wild animal when they see prey. He doesn't regret anything Henry, a demon can't be sorry!"

A dark chuckle rang out. "Well, if that's true and I am just a 'wild animal', then Henry can't blame me for popping your little heads off and throwing you into the ugliest ditches I can find."

Inky patterns broke out on the wall and pooled around Bendy. Soon the ink demon was back and was looming over Tom and Alison. He grabbed them by their necks and slammed them against the kitchen wall so hard the wind was knocked out of them.

The demon moved his other clawed hand under the wolf's and angel's chins as if they were dolls, a sinister grin on his face. "I've been waiting to do this for a looong time~" Alision whimpered as he tilted his gloved hand up, his claws scraping her throat.

"STOP BENDY!" Henry yelled. The demon tilted his head to the side like a child examining an insect.

"Stop? Why? The fun has just begun." "No, it hasn't. You don't want this." The demon gave a bitter laugh. "You have no idea what I want Henry."

"Maybe I don't. But I know everyone else doesn't want this."

Surprisingly, the ink demon actually dropped the two to the ground.

"Fine." He growled. "But if you two put so much as a scrape on Henry or Sammy, you're DEAD." Then he stormed out of the kitchen.

Alison gasped, rubbing her throat. "T-thanks Henry." Sammy sighed and helped her to her feet. "Amen."

The angel took a deep breath. "Is that?" Henry frowned. "Cute and agreeable for one moment and upset the next? Yep. But this is the first time he's turned into the ink demon."

"Seems a bit upset." Sammy remarked. "Maybe..someone should go talk to him?" Everyone was staring at Sammy now "What? W-why are you all looking at me?"

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