Log: 3

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*y/n pov* y/n chapters will never be long btw

there i was, being interrogated by a bunch of tall men in different disguises. and i'm no dumbass, this is basically a kidnapping.

but when the green man comes over and asks if i want to join a mafia? is he fucking serious.

"are you okay mentally?" i asked in the most disgusted voice i could make.

the green man sighed, before telling the rest of the group to bail out, which they did in a weirdly bead order. they looked like a marching band but for the mafia. marching mafia, if you will.

one dude stayed though, his pig mask starring down at me very sharply, in that sort of way your ex best friend states at you.

speaking of that, the one guy i saw at the dumpsters was really tall. it's a familiar hieght....

the pig dude than walked over to me, crouched down and sat in front of me. before asking a nice and terrifying question.

"do you think i could defeat the god of heaven?"

i was starstruck i guess. what a random question to ask a meer mortal who just got fucking kidnapped.

"if i'm going to be honest..." i started. "your extremely terrifying, and i think god will be to scared to fight you" i explained.

he sighed, before looking at me, than shaking his head. "you don't know me personally, and i don't know you personally either. but here.." and he held out a gun.

"what the-what the fu-fuck..." i stuttered hard.

"you'll need this. and if your ever questioning wether to use it, pull out the magazine. but not yet. only during the time of need." he said.

"wh-what?" i questioned again, before receiving a strong sigh.

"listen i hate emotions, it's the one thing more than anything in this world i hate, but keep your head held high king, or else your crown will fall off. and you look like a pretty strong king."

he stood up, and just as he was about to walk out the door, he said one more thing.

"and by the way, the blade never dies"

and he was gone. almost like a frigment of my imagination.

and it 100% was.

when my eyes focused, i was alone in the dark room, but there was one person in their, and that was some blue dude, who had a derpy face mask on, which were...covered in diamonds?

"what the fuck-?" i shouted.

"oh your awake?" he asked.

"no i'm rowing a boat, where the fuck am i?" i questioned.

"the world of demons, can't you tell?" he said, with a definite attitude in his voice.

i scoffed, before feeling something in my hands. my hands were tied, but i could define the shape of the object.

and it was definitely a gun.

that's when i decided to ask a question to the diamond boy, because i know for fucks sake there was no way they'd give me a gun.

"hey blue boy?"


"sleepy skeeepe whatever......" i hesitated, before going in strong, "do you know who 'the blade' is?"

his breath hitched, and almost immediately, he stood up, and almost charged towards me, before stopping just a foot in front of me, which hopefully
made my gun not visable.

"who the fuck told you who techno was...?" he asked in a very threatening tone.

"what's in it for me?"

he than pulled out a diamond knife and grabbed my shirt, which he used to pull me up and held that knife to my neck.

"your life you fucker, now explain or you die!" he screamed.

"skeppy!" what in the muffin are you doing?!?" some guy, about the same height as him asked.

skeppy didn't loose focus on me, and i think his grip got harder, before a man with a checkered mask, and devil horns stepped in and pried him off of me.

"don't you ever! ask about him again!" skeppy growled, before getting pushed out of the room by the deviled horn man.

he sighed when the door was close, and while i could still see skeppy peering through the door window, i was unharmed.

"i am so sorry about him...anyways im bad!" he exclaimed in a very happy tone. "now," the happy tone quickly faded, as he threw three knifes towards my head, which all landed in the cracks of the cement walls. "what the hell did you ask skeppy, and more importantly did you hurt his feelings..." bad asked, as his voice dropped so surprisingly.

"no!" i admitted quickly.


bad turned to me before giving me a death stare, his eyes somehow almost managing to turn red. in which another pocket knife appeared.

"okay i only asked about someone called the blade! please don't kill me!!!"

bads eyes turned normal again, before slowly walking over to me, getting the pocket knifed from out the walls and crouched down to get to my level.

he took a deep breath, before explaining the reasons behind skeppys reactions. "technoblade was someone very vital to our team, and unfortunately he did pass away, which hurt our team a lot. and it hurt skeppy a lot as well. and a lot of people abandoned skeppy in his life, so loosing someone else so suddenly caused him a lot of pain" he stopped before a tear rolled down his cheek.

"he died of a rare cancer, which like i said, hurt our team. but he wasn't the only one who died"

"the cancer died with him as well" skeppy interfered as he walked towards bad.

"it was a draw..." i exclaimed sadly.

both of them nodded their heads, before skeppy sat down next to skeppy, and hid his head in bads neck.

"six feets never felt so far...." skeppy cried.

"we all miss him. but it also wasn't the blade that died. because the blade never dies." he exclaimed one time, before picking up skeppy bridal style, and turning to walk away. "the blade never dies kid..."

and he never will.

i'm sorry to end this chapter on a sad note but i'd rather write my standpoint on this and move on because i know techno wouldn't want us to be sad. he would want us to stay strong, and keep our chins held high. i loved technoblade so much, and ill miss him dearly. i wouldn't feel right if i just glossed over this fact and continued the story without addressing it, and it might be a bit out of character and book style for it to just happen, but i know it makes me feel better about what happened.

Technoblade 1999-2022

"Now your in the stars, and six feets never felt so far.." -Benson Boone.

please take care of yourself. it's a very good reminder to love everything anyone has ever given to you, because you don't know when life will take those moments away.

alex may have died but not technoblade. and it never will be him.

because god was not even close baby, technoblade never dies.

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